❦ tweek x reader - comforting ❦

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"Flight three zero two one for Denver, Colorado, boarding in six minutes!" The lady announced. I looked around and walked to where you boarded the flights, but was stopped when I saw a boy trembling. I looked at him for a bit and saw he couldn't stand still and he couldn't hold his bags up. I decided to go over to him and help.

"Excuse me, but do you need help?" I asked him while smiling. The boy stared at me widely, his green eyes sparkling. He blushed and nodded slowly. I gladly helped him with his bags as we entered the plane.

After I helped him put his bag in the compartment, I saw down next to him. I decided he could use a friend that could help him calm his nervousness down.

"You don't mind if I sit here?" I asked and he shook his head.

I happily sat down and more people sat down around us. After about ten minutes, a lady came and told us things that would happen if the plane would crash or would land in water and we would do, which just made the poor boy even more nervous. When she finished the safety announcements, the flight took off.

"Hey , it's okay, just stay calm." I reassured him.

"I-I can't, what if the flight does crash?! And in water?!" He said, shaking. I laughed and shook my head.

"Well, seeing as we're not going across the ocean I doubt that will happen. And if it does crash in water, which it won't, no one will drown." I patted his hand. "And I never got your name." He looked at me for a few seconds.

"Tweek, Tweek Tweak." I furrowed my brows.

"No offense, but your first name is the same as your last?" He shook his head.

"W-well, my first name is spelled T-w-e-e-k, and my last name is spelled T-w-e-a-k." I smiled and nodded.

"That's cool, I like it. Mines (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)!" He nodded. "So Tweek, What brings you to Colorado?" I asked.

"I-I live there with my friends and family,"

"Where from?"

"South Park." He said and my eyes lit up.

"Really? I'm visiting family from there. My cousin's name is Clyde Donovan, do you know him?" Tweek's eyes widened as he nodded. I smiled and Tweek blushed.

"I do. I-I'm good friends with him." Tweek said fiddling with his hands.

"Clyde never mentioned he had a cute friend," Tweek looked at me and blushed ten times more. I winked at him and chuckled. "Hey, it's true."

"W-well, I think you're pretty too." He said quietly making me hold his hand.

"Thanks. And if you're still nervous about crashing, I'll make sure nothing happens to you." I said confidently, causing Tweek to smile a bit.

"Thanks, and I-I'll make sure nothing happens to you either," He said, but it came out more like a whisper. I giggled and he blushed, but I kissed his cheek.

"It's okay, I wanna be the hero this time. And has anyone ever told you that you're adorable when you blush?" I grinned widely as he turned his face the others way to stop me from seeing him blush, but I turned his head toward me. "You're really cute," I kissed his cheek once again.

As the plane landed (safely), Tweek and I had to go separate ways. I was going to surprise Clyde while he was going to be with his family. But we promised each other to hang out while I was in town. Your girl (Y/n) was gonna get it.

E N D ...

and I just wanted to say how thankful I am for a lot of you <33 I'm almost at 400 reads, it means soooo much to me thank you all so much <3

(edited December 13, 2018)

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