Death by Beauty Then Pizza

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Halfborn's POV:
Valhalla was hosting a dance for the warriors, they have to keep things fresh for the older residence, like myself. T.J. was going with some girl from floor 17, I don't really know her, I think I may have killed her once or twice.
The goal right now was to subtly get Mallory Keen to attend somewhat with me. "Hey Mallory." I said at breakfast, "what do you want you mutated doll?" She said through a yawn, her hair was a mess and she had a hand mark in her face where she must have slept in it.
She still looks gorgeous, I bet she looks adorable when she sleeps. "Stop it Halfborn, focus on the task at hand, and while your at it maybe try to not sound like a cheesy romance character." I scold myself internally. "Well that dance was coming up, and T.J. here," I gesture to the Civil War solider next to me, (who is giving me the death glare for bringing him into the issue), "thinks that you dance like a clumsy Heidrun." Mallory looks at T.J. glaring at him, I knew she would take the bait. T.J. on the other hand looks like he is going to impale me.
"Yep, he even said you and I couldn't dance better then him and whatever his date's name is." T.J. rolled his eye, catching on to me. "Her name is Ruth." He said with sass. "Whatever, anyway, Miss Keen I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the dance tonight, to show him wrong." I say smoothly.
Mallory glares at me, then at T.J. not quite buying it. Eventually her competitive side took over. With a smirk she said, "Me and the oaf are going to wipe the floor with you."
I also smirked, "I'll even wear a dress if that one," she pointed at me, "wears a tux." Oh she played hard ball, I heard T.J. snicker. On the bright side I would see Mallory in a dress. "Deal." I sighed. Mallory grinned in victory, "okay then see you idiots at 6." She then walked off to whatever class she had signed up for that day. We usually had the same thing but I had to work on my PHD in mathematics.
When 5 rolled around I went to my room trying to find that tux, I had room service bring up earlier. I had not worn a shirt in a very long time. When i was alive we didn't wear them that much, and I found that could be restraining. As a bonus, it makes Mallory blush. The tie was the trickiest, eventually I just gave up on it. That would probably look too formal anyway.
When 6 came I left my room, fiddling with my sleeve. Mallory came out of her room wear a navy blue dress. It was just past her knees, with flowers laced onto it. Her fiery hair was placed into a bun, it was still trying to escape. To complete her look she was wearing combat boots, where I could just see the hilt if the handles sticking out of them.
She looked stunning, honestly, this was going to be a great night. And she was going to be the death of me (even though I was already dead). Then a thud and I see darkness.

Mallory's POV:
I walked out of my room, a bit self conscious but I still hung my head high. Halfborn was there staring at me like he was going to say something. Then he an axe came sailing through the air, this wasn't uncommon, after a few years, you learned to always pay attention. Halfborn was presently not doing that, so he was rewarded by an axe to the head.
I broke out laughing, T.J. came out and started laughing as well. T.J.s date showed up and told him that someone else had asked her and she really wanted to go with him instead. Ruth apologized a million times, T.J. being Mr. Positive didn't give her a hard time about it. Ruth hugged him and ran away, in a blur.
We both went back to our rooms and changed into our everyday cloths. We then waiting for Halfborn to wake up, thankfully it wasn't too long. All three of us decided to go get pizza instead. So we carefully snuck out of the hotel and went to a pizza parlor. What an odd buck we were, a giant hairy dude, thankfully with a shirt right now. A smaller young man with a stupid smile on his face, and me with my fiery hair walking down the streets of Boston at 8 at night.
We had a great time though, we talked and laughed, at Halfborn's stupidity and other things. I eventually fell asleep on what I think was the booth armrest.

Halfborn's POV:
After a bit T.J. claimed he had to use the toilet. Leaving me and Miss.Keen alone. As soon as he left Malloy fell asleep on my side. I chuckled at her soft snores. When T.J. came back we all headed back to Valhalla, with Mallory asleep on my back.

Sorry about the longer chapter, just had to keep going. Stay insane my fellow fan-humans!

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