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Mallory's POV:
       I was dreaming about Halfborn's near death again. Only this time everyone I was ever close to was dying around me. Magnus, Sam, T.J., my mates from Ireland, my father, everyone, joined my boyfriend's corpse.
       They moaning my name and grabbed at my ankles, I screamed and tried to kick them away. A explosion, and pain, much like I felt when I first died.
      I woke up in a sweat, my breath labored, my eyes hurt as if the explosion had been real. I was shaking. I heard someone clear their throat, looking up I saw Halfborn staring at me, concern and pain written across his face.
        "I heard you screaming, you okay?" He said moving to sit by me, "yeah," my voice came out hoarse, "yeah I'm fine." I couldn't meet his eyes without being reminded of all the cold dead ones from my dream. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I buried my face in his side.
       Sobs racked my body as the tears came from my still throbbing eyes. He whispered comforting things, though just the vibration of his voice was comforting.
        "I'm going to get a fire going." He said, getting up. I watching him, I was still shaking a bit though my sobbing had stopped. As the fire came to life, Halfborn came back and we laid back against the bed frame.
       We watched the fire, listening to it's crackle. I began to drift off into sleep to the rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest.
Halfborn's POV:
      Mallory had fallen asleep on my shoulder, her crying and shaking had ceased. Her breath had steadied and she snored softly.
       I kissed her curls, her being in pain hurt me. This wasn't the first time she had woken up like this. Though it was the first time she had been willing to let me comfort her.
        Usually I would lead her to my room and tell her stories from my childhood. She would fall asleep and I would carry her back to her own room.
       I smiled down at her sleeping form. I hoped I was always there to comfort her. I watching the fire burn down and listen to my girlfriend sleep by my side as I allowed sleep to take me away.

Sorry about the shorter chapter.
I consider requests, though they are not guaranteed to be published.
Have a nice day fellow readers!

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