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Mallory's POV:
It was one of those nights, floor 19 decided 'why not?' and went to a park in Midgard. We had gone to an ice cream parlor, and were now sitting in a circle eating our cones.
"Mack, do you know why you remind me of the stars?" Halfborn asks suddenly. TJ and Alex roll their eyes; Magnus smiles; I blush.
"Because, your a ball of hot air." He finishes smugly.
"Well Gunderson, you're like a star because you're a ball of gas." I fire back, though no venom on my tongue.
Gunderson takes a bite out of his vanilla ice cream.
"Halfborn, I can see Beanpole getting vanilla, but why did you?" Alex asks.
"I am not Beanpole! TJ got cookies n cream, that's basically vanilla! And I got Superman flavor so, ha!" Magnus exclaim, licking his cone, showing his rainbow mouth.
"To answer your question Fierro, once you've live long enough, sometimes it's nice to have something vanilla." He takes a bite out of his cone.
"Especially when your dating Ms. Keen here, you need something stable."
I throw a clump of grass at him.
"Idiot." I say, Halfborn just chuckles and puts an arm around me. I take a lick out of my rocky road cone.
"You two are terrible." Alex mutters into her caramel-brownie ice cream.
"You should have seen them before they finally started dating! That was terrible!" TJ states.
"Jefferson, you're just just a drama queen." I say.
"Drama, like when we did Shakespeare to the death?" Halfborn mentioned, with a mouthful of ice cream.
"Oh! I remember that! You ended up killing yourself." I recall, with a wicked smile.
"And you, got strangled by a wig not too long after the oaf gave up." TJ jumps in.
"I didn't give up! I was bored out of my mind!" Gunderson protests.
"You have a mind?" Alex asks, sarcastically.
"More than you Fierro."
"Burn!" Magnus exclaims, slurping up the last of his ice cream before finishing the cone.
"Shut up Rapunzel!"
"We watch Disney one time!"
"I hated that movie." I grumble, remembering that particular movie night.
I lean into Halfborn's side, he kisses my head. His breath smelling of his vanilla ice cream.
"I just saw a shooting star!" Magnus exclaimed, pointing at the sky.
      "I used to tell the kids at the shelters that shooting stars were fairies; that were falling to earth because I shot them out of the sky as punishment for taking my chocolate." Alex says, staring up at the sky.
      We stare at her, noticing our silence she looks at us.
      "What?" She asks innocently.
   I start cackling, Alex soon joins me.
"I had no clue you two were so heartless." Magnus stated. 
      "You bet." Smacking her ice cream covered lips. We high five, still laughing.
      I lay back against the cool grass, looking at the stars, and the large crescent moon in the sky. 
       Soon I began to fall asleep to the sound of my friend's chatter and the crickets' song.
Halfborn's POV:
        I watched as Mack's eyes fluttered closed.
"We should get going." TJ announces. We all climb sleepily to our feet. I gather the red head in my arms, moving her to my back.
     Walking back to the hotel, we were all basically asleep.
      Alex was leaning on Magnus. TJ was leaning forward as if about to fall on his face.
       We walk into the hotel, my hall mates going to their separate room. I place Mallory into her bed, laying next to her.
       She subconsciously snuggles into my side.
"You know Mallory Keen, I lied. You're nothing like those stars, because you're not just another ball of hot air." I mutter kissing her curls.
     "Sappy oaf." Was the last thing I herd before I fell asleep.

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