Te amo

58 24 16

Dedicated to Emimoye for being an amazing person and an awesome friend

P.s. Emimoye , all the first letters of each sentence spells your name :) Hope you enjoy

Happy Valentine's day to all! Sorry for the late update

P.p.s. Te amo means I love you in Spanish ♥

Eternity is no time at all when it
Means that I could be with you
And hold you to me; but what can I do?
Never is the time that we never have

Unseen, my love burns within
Engulfing me, raging inside
Love for you, behind a mask I hide
And then I tell you millions of lies

Life is no life, and I am not me
End is what I seek, when you aren't mine
Just stay by my side, and we will be fine
And you are my everything, and everything I need

No is what I say every time you ask
Didn't you still see my eyes saying yes,
Rising hopefully? But you second guess
Only my heart knows, and my heart weeps

My mouth stumbles, my will crumbles
Oozing with tears, my dark clouds rain
You are blind to my searing pain
Endless chains of love bound me

Tormented soul, tormented heart
Oceans of my waters rise, and I drown
Now, as the waves carry me down,
Echoes of our memories replay in my mind

Zephyr blows gently, and I drift to you
Making my way from across the seas
At last, I smile, one with the breeze
Coming back after you scattered my ashes

Have you opened your eyes finally,
As I am now slowly drifting away?
Don't let your tears fall, when I say
One last time in your ears: Te amo

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