You don't know what you do to me

43 12 24

This is the first poem that I've written that exceeds 50 lines!
Ah gods... AH GODS
You can skip if you get bored
But this poem is about how love is different from lust. I was gonna name it "Lust and Love", but ehhh
I decided not to, in the end, obviously
It's upto you, my dear readers, to decide what I should name it in the end.

Drinking in your soft, sweet kisses,

There is this feeling, a yearning

Urging me to have more, I need more

Give me more, my love is burning

Bursting into bright red molten sparks

It hurts, it does, but it feels so divine

Go deeper, go harder, I'm clay in your hands

I feel so complete, I'm yours, you're mine

I laugh, I cry, I smile, I sigh

Your dreamy whispers, my sky high screams

Under millions of stars that silently see,

You come, you go, you drift in my dreams

Your eyes, so beautiful, shining in the dark,

Precious sapphires in the black midnight

Each touch sending me to a heavenly bliss

Come hold me closer, come hold me tight

But it's your soul I seek, it's you who's inside,

The beats of your heart, your scrumptious smiles

I love your touches, but I do love you more,

So let me stroke your hair, once in a while

Let me hear your laughter that ripples my heart

Hold my hand in yours, so comforting, warm

Come kiss my forehead, play with my hair

Sing me to sleep, it makes me feel calm

Let's sink our feet in the sand of the sea

As the waves come slowly and wash it away

You're all I need, you're all I want, and

I would choose you over anything and everything any day

Love, so warm, so sweet, full of pin pricks

Each time I see you, each time I feel you

Inside, from the depths of your heart and your soul

Can't you just say those words, that you love me too?

Now the things aren't the way they used to be

I can still feel your touch, but where is your love?

You're all over me, up, down, in and out, still,

I can't feel your love, so is it over now?

Were they all fake smiles, as we lay on the grass,

Gazing at clouds, as they passed overhead?

Were they all just acts that you played,

Did you only want me to take you to bed?

I know that one day, you'll strip me like your clothes

And throw me away, torn and discarded

Then maybe, just maybe, you don't need me alive

You can still make love to me after I'm dead

But you, you don't love me, what a fool I was

Gullible, naíve, stupid, sensitive, romantic

Why do I still love you, why can't I live without you?

I need you to love me, I'm desperate, drastic

My heart bleeds, my eyes tear, my soul sears, and I cry

My lips don't know that, they smile, whenever I see

You, you're blind, you still don't know, still don't understand

Me, you still don't know what you do to me...

What should I name it?

And did you like it, or do you think it's too long?

Thank you for all your support

I love you all ❤

I love you all ❤

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