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So this is the other version of Cream
Hope you like

You may think,

Is it too much,

Too much to ask,

To be like them,

Looking so nice,

With beautiful smiles,

Hearts full of poison

Because their stares

That prick your neck

That you feel each time

You walk nearby

And they whisper

"Look at her go."

"She is so fat."

"She is so thin."

"She is so dark

With chappy skin."

"She has freckles."

"She's anorexic."

"She's plain and bland."

"She's autistic."

"She has a humpback."

"She's disabled."

"She has only one eye."

"She is unable

To look pretty."

"She is too ugly."

"Bangs and dark circles."

"No one will love you."

"Is that trash you're wearing?"

Go, look back and say,

"Can't you stop staring?

Can't you just not mind?

Can't you stop caring?

Can't you just stop?"

Because, honestly,

They are too jealous

Because you're so unique

You're so different

With beautiful eyes

And a cute smile

With a mind that cares

And a heart that feels

You are so full of love,

They're so full of hate

So you can stop

Wishing to be

One of them

Because you are so much better

So you can stop

Those negative thoughts

That come lie to you

Say you're not pretty

Because you are

The most beautiful

And those who can't see that

Are just too blind

So you can stop

Staring in the mirror

Face the world with a smile

And a spring in your step

Because you are beautiful

And it's upto you

To make others see

The beauty in themselves

And beauty in everything

Because you are beautiful

I think this turned out way better than cream, what do you think?

I think this turned out way better than cream, what do you think?

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