Ch.17 Shinigami vs the Bushi gang

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Raphael screamed in pain feeling the heat graced his leg. Tikki licks her lips at Raph. Mika smirks seductivly at Toran.

"Is it getting hot in here or its just me" Mika smirks. Toran ignores her. "Maybe we should take off..." before Mika could finish Ariri slaps her hand over Mika's month and points to Maddie.

"Oh come on she's older enough to hear this and also see a turtle roasted" Mika pouts.

"No she's not, and that reminds me Ariri ?" Karasu said.

Airiri nods as she takes out a scarf and ties it around Maddie's eyes. She then takes her aside, away from Raph's intragation.

"Last chance Kappa, who are you working for" Rikki said darkly as the girl with jet black hair folds her arms.

"Rikki, I don't think he works for Tatasu" Vexy said.

Renet gasps at that name.

"Tatasu" Shinigami whispers, knowing it was the man thire protecting Renet from.

"We have to save Raph" Mikey whispers.

"Maybe in five minutes I will" Shinigami mutters.

"Shini" Mikey pouts.

"Alright fine I'll save him" Shinigami grunts, knowing saving his hot headed was the thing to do. But least be honest she didn't want to do the right thing.

"Sweet, so I have an cool operation name like Operation sneek attack...." Mikey suddenly noticed Shinigami was gone.

"I'm telling you I don't know what your talking about !" Raphael shouts.

"Lying will only make this worse !" Rikki growls. "Did the mutant Tiger sent you ?!" Rikki snares.

"Wait ! Mutant tiger ? Are you talking about Tigerclaw ? Tiger claw is Japan !?!!!??" Raph shouts.

Just then Shinigami jumps down in front of the Bushi gang.

"Mind letting the Kappa go fellows" Shinigami said smirking.

"Oh great I'm getting rescued by her !" Raph mutters.

"I could just leave you there, you know" Shinigami said rolling her eyes as she takes out her moon sythes.

"Holy shit it's a witch !" Rai shouts.

"Hey where are you going Mika ?!!!???!!!" Vexy shouts.

Mika had ran off with Maddie in her arms as soon as she saw Shinigami.

"I'm running ! I'm running !" Mika shouts.

"Mika put me down !" Maddie shouts.

"Never !!!!!" Mika shouts.

"Mika get back here with Maddie !" Karasu shouts as he, Vexy, and Ariri chase after her.

"Get back her you three and fight her !" Toran shouts in Japanese as he chases after them.

Tikki, Rai step away from Raph as Rikki looks at the long hair girl before nodding. In response she takes our her blades.

"Bring it on witch girl" The long hair girl snares.

"I'm ready if your ready" Shinigami mocks in Japanese.

The two girls charge at each other with full force. Shinigami hits her blades with her moon sythes before attemptting to swipe kick the girl. The girl growls in response and tackles Shinigami to the ground.

Shinigami dodges a couple punches to her head. Before punching the girl in attempt to get her off but the girl won't budge. They glare at each other fircely.

Mikey meanwhile, sneek up towards Raph.

"Mikey ?" Raph whispers.

"Don't worry dude, I'm getting you out of here" Mikey whispers as he goes to untie Raph.

Suddenly Rai kicks Mikey back.

"You can't untie my knot, Kappa" Rai snares as he throws another kick, which Mikey dodges.

"I don't want to hurt you dude" Mikey said trying to dodge his kicks and punches.

"Then why do you freaks keep coming to our turf and hurting our own ?!" Rai snares throwing a punch at Mikey who dodges again.

"We would never hurt anyone dude, we're the good guys !" Mikey said.

"I doubt it" Rai scoffs taking out a wipe chain.

"But there's no doubt, this turtle is going to taste when he's done cooking" Tikki said licking her lips at him.

"Seriously what is wrong with you !?" Raph shouts.

"Can't we just talk, look we hate the foot too !" Mikey said as he dodges the chain.

"I don't make deals with freaks or with people I just meet" Rai snares as swings his chain towards Mikey again who dodges once more.

Rikki is about to get involved as he grabs his Tanto blade. Renet sees this and quickly grabs his hand.

"Rikki stop he's not an enemy !" Renet shouts in attempt to make him stop.

Rikki looks at her, his eyes widen at her.

"Renet ?" Rikki whispers.

"Please Rikki, he's an friend" Renet begs.

Shinigami growls under her breath before head butting the girl in the face. The girl falls over, as she Shinigami stands up.

The girl stands up and charges at Shinigami again, locking blades with her once more, both glaring at each other.

"Stop !" Shouts a calm but feminine voice.

The group turns to see a girl with red hair that looked untamed, she wore a long sleeve with hints of a not so bright white and black sweat pants.

Shinigami sighs in relief, knowing she would come and stop this.

"They're friends not our enemies" The red girl said to the long hair girl.

The long hair girl backs off of Shinigami, but she still glares at Shinigami. Rai does the same putting his weapon away as he gives Mikey an aplogicly look. Rikki puts his Tanto away still not turning from Renet. Tikki still licks her lips at Raph.

"Glad to see you again Termore" Shinigami smiles hugging her.

"I'm glad I came before things got worse" Termore said with a smile before turning to Rai.

"Please untie the red mask turtle" Termore said.

Rai puts out the fire underneath Raph, then untied him from the pole. Tikki pouts.

"Wait a second, Shinigami how do you know her ?!" Raph asks.

"Well its kinda of a long story" Termore states.

"Okay I'm back and I'm not afraid anymore witch I got water !" Mika declares as she comes back with the others behind but finds they weren't fighting anymore.

"Ummm... what did we miss ?" Maddie asks.

Note- And we finally meet the leader of the Bushi gang. Termore owned by TremorDusk. Looks like Shinigami and Mikey meet thire rivals/friends in Rai and the hot headed girl.
I'll better go because I have an headache. Make sure you level an comment.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now