Author note about prequel book

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Note- Okay a lot of you know me and my brother are doing a prequel book to set up the 3rd book. I want to make something clear Shinigami won't be in the prequel book. I'm sorry if you guys are disappointed but Shinigami will be an important part in book 3. The reason for Shinigami not in the prequel book is becuase I wanted to fouces on the turtles and how they deal with humans discovering mutants exist thanks to a mobsters who pertrays himself as business man. Because of this thire are illegal porches who are trying to hunt down mutants in New York for a thousand dollar reward while there's a sinster plan to take down all mutants going. So The Turtles and the new Mighty Mutanimals have to team up to stop this sinster plan all the while The remaining members of the Bushi gang had been arrested by MI6 agency and being forced to go on an uncover mission so they would be spy elements in the story. This would be orginally in the 3rd book as a side piolt but i found it to much but I really wanted to use this becuase the turtles would be struggling with something when Shinigami comes back in thire life so the events towards the end of this story will play in book 3. I do want to say book 3 will be the last book of this series and I hope you guys are exited for it because it will go out with a bang ! 

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now