Ch.46 A daring walk through Lilly falls

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Mikey pushed a tree branch down as he walks through a forest. Sounds of rapid water falls near closer. Mikey had a feeling he was closer to Lilly falls. Midnight lays on Mikey's shell, mewoing.

"I think we're close midnight" Mikey said.

"Mewo !" Midnight said jumping off Mikey's shell and running off.

"Hey wait up !" Mikey shouts chasing after the cat.

Midnight runs out of trees and towards a cliff,stopping near the edge. Mikey stops and sees the waterfalls.

"Whoa, How am I gonna get across ?" Mikey asks.

Midnight points her head towards a large log across the water. Mikey's eyes widen.

"Oh god" Mikey whispers.

Mikey looks down and sees how high it was. One wrong move and Mikey could fall into the current.

"Maybe there's another way around" Mikey said.

Midnight rolls her eyes, and runs across the log, on the other side of the falls. Mikey's eyes widen. He had to get across the falls if he wanted to find Renet.

Besides if a cat can do it, so he could do it, right ?

Mikey takes a deep as he steps on the log,trying his best not to look down.

"Clear your mind" Mikey thought.

Mikey holds out his arms and begins to walk across the log as he tries to keep his balance.

Mikey tries to keep his mind clear as he walks across the log as he hears the rapid waterfalls.

Midnight  watches as Mikey walks across the log with his eyes closed and mind clear. Mikey Suddenly reaches the other side.

Mikey opens his eyes relizing he was in the otherside.

"I did it ?" Mikey asks as he looks around.

"I did it !!!" Mikey cheers happily as he picks up Midnight, who purrs.

"Come on let's go meet up with Renet !" Mikey said as he offs north, knowing he was extermely close to Renet's aunt's hous.



Renet sighs in relief as she comes across a brown/yellowish house. She opens up the door and Walks in. Renet notices the house was very dim lited.

"Aunt Reve ?" Renet calls out.

There was no reply.

"We've been waiting for you, Renet" Snares a Japanese voice.

Renet gasps as she turns around to see Tatasu without his mask. He smirks at her as Iku and Maya brings out a tied up and gaged Reve.

Renet's eyes widen in fear.


Note- Sorry if this chapter is shorter. But we end on another cliffhanger.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now