Ch.50 Mistakes we made as Sisters

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Shinigami lands on all fours as she drops out of the time portal. She was in a house that felt fimilar to her. She sees Maya with her back turned to her.

"Maya !" Shinigami shouts.

Maya turns her head towards her.

"No you won't stop me !" Maya snares as she summomes a purple  dagger and throws it at Shinigami who dodges it with her moon sythes.

Maya runs towards the a door. Shinigami tackles her trying to pin Maya causing Maya to drop the time sypeter on the ground. Maya puches Shinigami off her and runs to the door.

"Stop you'll ruin everything !!!!" Maya shouts.

As she opens up the door Shinigami grabs her by the back of her shirt and pulls her back a little.

Suddenly there's a scream of pain. Shinigami eyes widen at the sight before her. It was the memory Maya had shown her of Tatasu killing thire mother. They where back in time of that night thire mother died.

Shinigami watches as her mother falls to her knees, a younger Maya sobs uncontrollably. Tears appear in Shinigami's eyes as she looks away.

Maya looks at the ground as tears appears in her eyes. She was to late.

She punches Shinigami.

"I was too late !" Maya screams in anger as she fights Shinigami.


Meanwhile with Mikey, 

Mikey lands on his feet as he falls out of portal. Mikey looks at his surroundes. He was in some Kinda of empty bedroom, like a a guest bedroom.

"Okay gotta find Shini and Maya" Mikey whispers to him self.

Suddenly Iku appears and lunges at Mikey. Mikey dodges it.

"Whoa !" Mikey exclaimes his eyes widen.

"Luna really seems to love you, I will destroy you first !" Iku snares.

"Have you and Shinigami consider talking ?" Mikey asks nevouersely.

Iku hisses as she lunges at Mikey who dodges again. Mikey tries to run but Iku grabs him.

"I got you know kappa !" Iku laughs.


Maya punches at Shinigami, tears streaming down her face.

"I could of saved our mother but you stopped me !!!!" Maya shouts inraged.

"I'm sorry Maya I didn't know !" Shinigami said.

"This could of been my chance to stop Tatasu... save our family !" Maya cries as she tackles Shinigami to the ground.

Maya punches her repidly. Shinigami grabs Maya's hands and brings her into a hug in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm not gonna fight you anymore Maya, I love you sister" Shinigami whispers as she hugs her tightly.

Maya cries into Shinigami's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Maya cries as Shinigami soothes her.

"How sweet !!!!" Hisses a voice.

Shinigami and Maya look up to see Iku holding Mikey in her tail.

"Mikey !!!" Shinigami shouts.

"Iku stop this !!!!" Maya shouts.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now