Ch.21 Advice

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Raph sighs sadly as he leans against the door outside of wooden cabin. He couldn't sleep they where too much on his mind not because of his sneeking suspension of Rikki but becuase of everything else that was going on. First was making things right with Mikey which was not going to well because of that damn witch getting in his way. Now there was the possible that staying in this cabin could put them thire new friends in danger. He doesn't know what do.

Raph peeks back in the cabin to check on Mikey. Mikey, Renet amd Kushi and the rest of the Bushi gang slept in the living on a pillow nest. What made Raph of uncomfortable was the fact Mikey and Shinigami where sleeping together but not the way you may think.

Shinigami had a blanket covering her and Mikey while she held Mikey closet to her, like she was protececting him or something. The weird part was it looked like they did this before.

He didn't get. This should be like The Karai and Leo situation because Karai is an evil bitch... but it's not. Shinigami wasn't in the foot, hell she hates the foot but she isn't that evil sure she tricked him but she isn't evil she's just bad news. If she was evil she would of hurt Mikey but instead she's over protective of him like... like she deeply cares for him.

Raph still didn't get it but he wanted Mikey to be happy and from the looks of it Shinigami makes him happy.

Raph sighs slumpy back against the wall.

"Having trouble sleeping Kappa ?" asks a fimilar voice in Japanese.

Raph turns his head to see Akane with a slights smirk.

"I-i am" Raph stummers as he tries to speak in japanse.

Akane raises an eyebrow.

"Your more of english speaker arn't you Kappa ?" Akane says now speaking for english.

Raph sighs in relief. "Yes I am" Raph replies.

"How come you couldn't sleep ?" Akane asks.

"I've been worried about my brother Mikey" Raph said.

"The orange one ?" Akane asks.

"Yeah, I've been trying to make things right with him after I was too harsh with him everything that happened to him a few weeks almost got him and was all my fault because I couldn't keep my temper under control" Raph said.

"We say things we don't mean sometimes" Akane said.

"Even harsh things that make people think they are that ?" Raph asks.

"It depends what you said to him" Akane said.

"Honesty I said too many unkind stuff to him and I don't know how to make it right to him" Raph admits.

"How about you talked to him, tell him how you feel" a soft voice said.

Approaching was Termome.

"I forgot to mention we don't get any privacy so don't be surprise if anyone over hears" Akane sighs.

"Apologies but I'm here to help you, All you need to do is talk to Mikey he'll listen" Termome explains.

"Everything I talk to him, that Witch keeps intrupting us, it makes me so made... if I keep getting into fights with Shinigami I'll never be able to Mikey how truly sorry I am" Raph said.

"Mikey seems to happy with you around instead of anger feeling or forms of restentment I think he's already forgiven you. I think you haven't forgiven yourself for what happened" Termome said.

"How can I ?" The last time I actually saw Mikey is when I was posiened and I almost died" Raph said.

"Belive me when I say talking to him in a heart to heart talk will help" Termome said.

"What about Shinigami ?" Raph asks.

"She'll understand" Termome said.

"If you want I can splash her with water" Mika suggests as she appears out of nowhere.

"Mika bed now !" Akane snares.

Raph looks Termome.

"Your right" Raph said.


Mikey whimpers as he could see a shadow of Nigtorra in his mind. Then he felt the comforting hands of Shinigami, holding him tight and he knew... he was safe with her.

Note- Raph getting advice to make things right.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now