Ch.25 Truth or dare with the Bushi gang

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Everyone was back at the cabin. Rai and Vexy where finishing up making dumplings for dinner while everyone else was in the living room well Expect Termone was treating Rikki's bruised in the healing room and keeping an eye on Kushi as he rest to countine healing. Akane was still a little upset at Raph for hurting Rikki and Rikki seemed very solomon after what happened eariler.

Rai brings in a plate of dumplings while Vexy brought a plate of meat stuff dumplings for Tikki only, who happily devored them.

Mikey grabs a dumpling and eats it. Sure it was pizza goyoza but it was still good.

As they ate thire dinner Mika notices Akane still was looking at Raphael very upset. Then an idea poped in her head. She grins at the other teens.

"Hey guys I got an great idea let's play truth of dare !" Mika grins.

Everyone Bushi members grins expect Akane who eyes widen.

"That sounds fun !" Mikey smiles.

"Ineed" Shinigami said.

"Count me out" mutters Akane.

"Alright should we play with saki or without" Karasu smirks.

"Absolutely not !" Akane and Raph shouts.

"Mikey is way too young !" Raph said.

"And last time you played while drinking saki you got too drunk and played strip poker with Tikki !" Akane shouts.

"Fine no saki then" Karasu pouts.

"So you in" Mika asks Raph.

"Sure why not" Raph mutters.

"Alright ! Who wants to go first, Toran you wanna go ?" Mika asks.

"(Yes)" Toran said in Japanese.

"Truth or dare" Mika smirks, hoping for a dare.

"(Dare)" Toran replies in Japanese.

"Kiss me you sexy cinnamon bun" Mika said flirty.

And with Toran ran out of the room with Mika chasing after him. Ariri smirks in amusement.

"Um, Akane truth or dare" Maddie asks.

"Still not playing" Akane mutters flipping the pages of a book.

Maddie turns to Karasu.

"Truth or dare Karasu" Maddie asks.

"Dare" Karasu said.

"Go to town and steal food from that noodle shop" Maddie said.

"On it" Karasu said leaving to go steal food.

"Alright I'm back and Ariri your brother looked himself in you room" Mika said returning.

Ariri sighs as she goes to get her bother out of the room.

"Vexy truth or dare" Mika asks.

"Dare !" Vexy grins.

"Sings what's my name form Disney descendents 2" Mika said.

"For the last time I'm not Uma from Descendents 2" Vexy sighs.

"But you sound like her plus your like a kinder version of her" Mika said.

"Fine !" Vexy said.

"What's my name ?" Vexy asks Rai.

"Vexy" Rai grins.

Vexy turns to Tikki who was still eating.

"What's my name ?" Vexy asks Tikki.

"Vexy ?" Tikki said with a mouth full.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now