Ch. 35 Foot Clan mine

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Mikey's eyes widen in fear as he sees the entire foot clan in one place. It was a stealth mission, he wasn't good at stealth. He was the noiest out of his brothers, one miss step and it could alert the entire foot clan of thire presents. Fear was sallowen up inside of him. He looks to see Maddie chained to a giant rock next to a tent. He sees that she's been gaged as well. They had to save her from the foot but how could he when screws up. One screw up and the foot could kill her like that.

Ariri ties Karasu's hands to a high tree branch, forcing him on his tippy toes.

"What are you doing I helped yo mrrrhhhhppp !" Karasu musters before a cloth is shoved into his mouth.

"We have to get her out of there" Akane whispers.

"But if the foot spots us will have the whole god damn foot clan on us" Shinigami whispers.

Mikey whinces at that thought.

"You don't think I don't know that ?" Akane glares at Shinigami.

"Then one of us will save her" Termone whispers trying to keep the peace.

Renet suddenly spots something. On a wooden table next to another foot tent was a bright sliver key with a light blue stone imcreasted on it. She knew they already found it.

"Oh my god" Renet whispers in shock.

"What is it ?" Rikki asks.

"They already have the time key" Renet whispers shocked.

"Mrrrhhhhppp !" Karasu said in his gage.

"This isn't good" Vexy whispers.

"Okay here's the plan Ariri, Vexy you go with Renet to steal the time key and I will rescue Maddie, the rest of you will stay here on look out" Akane said as she pulls her scarf over her mouth.

Ariri nods as she, Vexy and Renet go around the rocks.

"Um yeah look out sounds good" Mikey whispers sheepishly.

Shinigami gives a concern look while Karasu rolls his eyes.

"Be careful" Termone whispers.

Akane nods as she takes out her blades and quitly heads down there with out the foot noticing.


Ariri, Vexy and Renet hid behind a tree just close enough to the wooden table which held the time key. In front of the table where two guards. Ariri makes a sign to towards Vexy, who nods in responses gripping her neckles.

Vexy begins to sing quitely and the two guards fall fast asleep. Before they hit the table Renet and Vexy grab them and lean them Against a tree to make it look like they where still awake.

Ariri quiltly grabs the time key with a smile. Renet smiles in relief as the three head back into forest to nevagte thire way to the others.


Maddie quitely sobs into her gage, her eyes blood shot from crying so much. She never felt so scared being at the mercy of the foot clan.

"Maddie" Whispers a voice fimliar to her from her right.

Maddie turns her right to see Akane hidding behind the rock. A feeling of joy and relief comes into the little girl.

"Akane" Maddie whispers through her gage.

"Shh I'm gonna get you out of here" Akane whispers.

Akane uses her blade to cut the chains binding Maddie to rock. They break off. Akane kneels down Maddie's height and unties the gage around her mouth.

Maddie hugs Akane. Akane felt a little taken back but found herself hugging her tight, like she was never gonna let her go again. Akane suddenly remembers where they where. Akane breaks apart the hug and checks if she was hurt at all but they didn't have much time.

"Come on let's go home" Akane whispers.

Maddie smiles with relief, but that quickly vainshed with fearful look as she sees a snake's tail was behind Akane. Without thinking Maddie blurts out...

"Look out !" Maddie shouts.

But it was to late the Snake's tail lashes at Akane's neck and squeezes it tight, making it hard to breath. Akane gasps for air as her oxygen supply was being cut off.

"Ah you must be Akane, the badass Bushi gang leader or should I say one of the Bushi gang leaders, We talked a lot about you" Iku smirks evilly as squeezes her neck even tighter.


Termone gasps in shock as they watch the situation unfold

"We have to get them out of there" Rikki said.

Karasu struggles as notices something sharp in his boot. He smiles under his gage knowing he will be free soon.

"We need to throw something" Mikey said.

He picks up a near by rock and aims it at where Iku was. His hands was trembling. If he throws the rock it'll alert the foot of thire presents, they'll have to out run them then, but how would they ever escape them ? Would they ever be able to escape ?

Mikey closes his eyes, remembering all his screw ups. When he sounded the alarm at TCRI or tripping on stuff. The time Leo got hurt just because he couldn't be careful.

"Mikey we need your help !" Termone said, snapping him out of his thoughts and causing him to open up his eyes.

He sees Akane struggling for air and horrfied look of Maddie's face. He had to do something, he couldn't let his new friends.

"Just take a deep breath and aim" Shinigami whispers.

Mikey takes a breath before chuckling the rock at Iku.

Iku let's out a yelp feeling the unspected hit of miror rock, this causes her to losen her grip on Akane. Seeing this as an opportunity, Akane uses her blades to cut Iku on her shoulder. She let's out a hiss of pain. Akane then grabs Iku and throws her into a nearby ditch.

"It's one of the turtles and the Bushi gang !!!" Karai shouts hearing the commotion.

Tatasu looks to see the key missing and sees Ariri, Renet and Vexy approaching the others with the time key.

"They have the time key ! Get them !" Tatasu shouts.

"Shit !" Akane cursed as she picks up Maddie and run towards the others.

Shinigami turns to see Karasu gone, he escaped.

"That son of bitch is gone !" Shinigami snares

"Will deal with him later we need to go now !!!!!" Rikki shouts.

They run start to run into the forest with the foot hot on thire tail.

Note- Let's face Iku had that coming, Anyway do you think Mikey made a right choice ? Mikey has gain a fear of screwing up and others getting hurt. But in this case was different he had to do something to help. Will our heroes be able out run the foot clan ? Do I like leaving on cliffhangers ? Not really but it's fun to keep you guys guessing.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now