Ch. 48 Attempted Revenge

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Within seconds Reve's house had become a huge brawling arena. Foot ninjas charge at them. Raph punches an incoming ninja as Mikey dodges an up coming foot ninja. Shinigami punches a foot soilder away from Mikey.

"We need to get Renet !" Vexy shouts trying to reach Renet.

"No ! We need to my Aunt out of here !" Renet shouts back trying to protect her Aunt. 

"No your friends are right you need to get out of here" Reve said. 

"No I can't leave you again !" Renet crys.

"Renet come on girl, we gotta get you out of here" Mika said as she protects her and Reve from another attacker.

"How are we gonna get out here !?" Vexy shouts as stands next to Mika.

Akira backflips a guard as Rai runs up to Mika and Vexy.

"Mika you still got a match on you ?" Rai asks.

Mika grins bring out a match box full of matches.

"Never leave home without them" Mika smirks as Akira gives her a look.

"Okay I got a plan" Rai said with a smirk.


Karasu, Termone, Kushi,Akane and Shinigami stood back to back as incoming  foot soilders attack them. The team kick them back the ninjas.

"I think that's the last of them" Kushi said.

Suddenly Iku lunges herself at Shinigami who blockes her attack.

"I'm going to make you wish you stayed in that cage" Iku growls.

Shinigami narrows her eyes bringing her moon sythes closer to her. Termone points her arrow at Iku while Akane, Kushi, and Karasu stands thire grand. Karasu looks at Maddie holding her tightly.

"Stay where you are !" Termone warns.

"I'm going to make you pay for hurting Maddie" Karasu snares as he holds his Maddie tight.

Akane unleashes her claws. "I'm going to make you pay for everything you've you did to my family and I" Akane snares.

"Oh please you fit perfectly with all the freaks in New York, besides a thief like you couldn't fit in Society anyway" Iku laugh because Akane and Shinigami tackles her to the ground.

"Why did you just sit there and let our mother be killed !" Shinigami shouts holding her down.

Kushi points his staff at her. "You told me she died protecting others, That's true isn't" Kushi said glaring at Iku.

"She sealed her own grave voulneetring to be killed by Tatasu, she never expected to be poison" Iku snares.

"You stood there and let it happen why ?"  Kushi asks.

Iku let's out an insane laughter.

"I honestly don't know anymore, it happened in a blurr... that's when my mind went black and I felt nothing but darkness" Iku said darkly.

Shinigami glares at her. She was nothing but insane physoholpath beyond saving at this point but she was still her sister. Shinigami knows she told Iku she never saw Iku as her sister but truth was she wanted Iku to change and be a big sister but that was a fantasy Shinigami lived when she was younger believing Iku change but she can't change she's far lost. Shinigami relized Iku turned crazy when thire mother died. Tatasu caused this to happen to her.

Suddenly Shinigami hears Renet screaming. Shinigami turns her head to see Tatasu inching towards Renet. Shinigami growls as she charges at Tatasu.

Iku laughs. "Coward" Iku laughs.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now