Ch. 51 Saying good bye

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The next day,

Mika pours a bit of saki in a glass cup with a smile on her face. Rai, Tikki, Ariri and Toran drink down thire saki as Vexy sips her water. The Bushi gang decided to celebrate in honor of Rikki. Reve had left with Akira so they can Reve a new home while Regina left to turn in Tatasu to the imthorties so he can face justice. While Kushi reats.

¨I say we make toast to Rikki¨ Rai said.

Mika, Rai, Tikki, Ariri, Toran and Vexy hold up thire cups.

¨To Rikki where every he might be in the furture¨ Rai said hopeful.

¨And Renet may she be an awesome Time lady !¨ Mika grins

¨Here here¨ Vexy said sipping her water. Tikki gulps down her saki before on falling Ariri's lap who laughs. Vexy helps up Tikki up.

¨Okay Tikki you had enough¨ Vexy laughs.

¨This isn't what he meant by celebrating" Akane mutters.

¨Belive me for anything we've been through, we deserve a drink¨ Mika grins taking a sip.

¨What the hell¨ Akane mutters taking a sip of saki. ¨I'm a freak anyway¨ Akane drinking saki.

¨Oh come on your not a freak, your pretty and badass¨ Mika grins.

¨You really think so ?¨ Akane said as she looks at Maddie who slept on cot as Karasu kepts an watchful eye on her. Termone enters the room seeing Karasu rubbing Maddie's head.

¨Are you really going to give up Maddie ?¨ Termone asks.

¨She's been through to much only because I couldn't protect her¨ Karasu mutters sadly.

¨That's not true...¨ Termone begins but Karasu interrupts her.

¨Yes it was, I gave the foot information they wanted but Iku still hurt her¨ Karasu snares wipping his tears away.

Termone puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

¨Shinigami erange to have Regina give Maddie a new home with people who care for her¨ Karasu explains.

¨Is this what you really want ?¨ Termone asks.

¨It's not about what I want it's about giving Maddie a happy life, to make sure she gets through what Iku did to her, we can't help her with that¨ Karasu said.

¨I know you care about her¨ Termone whispers.

¨I do and when you love someone you have to give them what you don't have¨ Karasu said as he places a blanket over the sleeping Maddie.

Termone smiles sadly.

¨Mikey and Raph are heading back to New York tonight¨"Termone said.

¨Wait is Toran going with them ?!¨Mika asks panicked.

¨I don't think ...¨ Before she could finish Mika jumps up and runs out the door.

¨Toran I'm coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨ Mika shouts.

¨So¨ Termone sighs.

¨Toran is right here !!!¨ Rai shouts.

¨Where is Raph ?¨ Akane asks.

¨He's outside¨ Termone replies.

¨I'm going to talk to him¨ Akane said as she goes outside.


Shinigami lays her head on Mikey's shoulder as they sit on the grass watching the sunset across the river.

¨It's beautiful¨ Shinigami said amazed at the sunset.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now