Ch.49 Back in time

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Mikey groans as he slowly wakes up. He hears chains being rattled. He looks at his hands and sees his hands chained in front of him. Mikey turns his head to see Shinigami beside him, who was rubbing her head. Her hands where chained as.

"Shinigami are you okay ?" Mikey asks.

"I'm fine, Mikey" Shinigami said as she begins to pick the locks off her chains.

¨Where are we ?" Mikey asks.

¨I honestly don't know¨ Shinigami replies as she susscesful unpicks the lockes.

¨We're in early 90's Japan" Said a voice.

Suddenly the masked ninja jumps in front of Mikey and slices off the chains.

¨Thanks but who are you ?¨ Mikey said as he helps him up.

The masked ninja takes of his mask to revile his rabbit features.

¨Rikki, it's great to see you awake" Shinigami said walking up to him.

¨We have to hurry, we have to stop Tatasu and Maya before they change time" Rikki explains.

¨Wait what do you mean change time ?¨ Mikey asks.

¨No Tatasu is way over his head, he thinks he can save his son but he plans to kill Regina in the past¨ Rikki explains.

"We have to stop him now !" Shinigami declares.

"Follow me then" Rikki said leading the way.


Tatasu drags Renet besides him. Maya follows behind them.

"You got the time sypter ? What else do you want from me ?!" Renet demands.

"Your just an insurance and my way back to the present" Tatasu snares as he keeps the knife at her side.

"What the hell are you planning Tatasu ?" Renet snares.

"To save my son" Tatasu snares as they enter a house.

"You had a son ?" Renet whispers.

"Ineed and he was periouse to me until a fatel poison killed him, Regina couldn't save him" Tatasu said with sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry" Renet whispers.

"But that will change" Tatasu said as he places Renet in a near by chair and ties her up.

"What are you going to do?" Maya asks.

Tatasu looks outside of the house to see a 7 year old boy with Asian features playing near the river.

"What I must to save my son" Tatasu declares before turning to Maya.

"Keep an eye on her" Tatasu said as he leaves with time sypter.

Maya goes behind Renet and unties her.

"Your freeing me ?" Renet asks shocked.

"I remember you when you where only 2, I held you in my hands" Maya said with foundness in her voice. "Trust me I only need the time sypter and freeing you is the right thing to do, just go to your friends" Maya said.

"Thank you" Renet whispers as he leaves.

Maya smiles softly before heading off in a different direction.


The 7 year old boy plays near the river letting the breeze flow his black hair. The boy smiles as he troutes through the poodles, enjoying the breeze day.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now