Ch. 40 Never make a deal with a snake (edit)

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Warning : This Chapter is very intense,emtiomal, violent and contains a form of torutor. If you are anyway uncomfortable with this please don't read, We say that because we care and we care if this makes you uncomfortable or frightened. Also if you guys don't like Iku your going to hate her even more. But this is a very important chapter because a lot of important stuff that moves the plot along will happen and dramatic stuff happens to the captured Bushi gang. Also I forgot to mention we are on act 3 of the story. So please enjoy this chapter.

Edit : I had to edit the ending because I felt like I was breaking Termone's character by giving her animal features when she already had animal features. So the mutagen can't effect her however since she was in a while vat of mutagen and it didn't just splash all over her, it can cause her pain. I hope TremorDusk likes the changes.

The scariest thing in life is not knowing what happens next. What fate or thire captors have in store for them. Screams of protests, chains clanging and desperation fill the air.

Shinigami desperately struggles against the chains that tied her wrist to a metal part of a cell bar behind her back. They had to get out of here or Iku will kill them or even worse then that.

Right now Shinigami and the remaining members where in a huge white laboratory. in front of them is a huge containor of mutangen above it was a large glass box. Shinigami turns her head to see Termone being held by two foot soilders, her wrist tied behind her back. She see Akane and Ariri in a holding cell, their hands chained togeather behind thire backs while Tigerclaw guard the cell. Maddie was being held by Maya by her shoudler. Karasu wasn't here he was taken some where else. In conor of Shini's eye she can see Karai and Mark far away below them. Karai looks at Shinigami sadly before walking away with Mark not wanting to see what happens to her childhood friend.

Iku and Tatasu stands in front of them. Iku smirks at them.

"So which one of you is going to tell me where the time key ?" Iku asks evilly.

"We've told you we don't where it is" Termone said.

"Oh so you expect me to believe an "Heasbain" girl's word ?" Iku snares.

"You say Heasbain like it's insults it's not, it's what I wanted to be" Termone said.

"I'm gussing that's why your parents abandon you then" Iku hisses, hoping to hurt Termone.

"Trust me I've always wished to have a caring mother like you did" Termone counters causing Iku to growls.

"If you planned to use my parents abandonment as a tool to break me, it won't break me" Termone said.

Iku growls.

"It's ashamed that you and your friends allied yourselves with my darling sister and the turtles" Iku snares looking away from Termone.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now