Ch.27 Foot brawl

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Warning there's a flashback scene where a young child is dying please skip it if you don't feel comfortable.


"Hey bitch stay away from friend !"

Mikey turns his head to see Maddie holding a sling shot. She's the one who hit Maya. Rai looks at her wide eyes.

"Oh no Maddie got a potty mouth like Mika" Rai mutters.

Maya snaps her head towards Mikey and the Bushi gang's hiding spot.

"It's the Bushi gang and one of the turtles get them !" Karai shouts.

Rai turns to Mikey. "Our mission kinda end up like this" Rai said

"(Bushi fight back !)" Toran shouts as the Bushi gang attacks the foot soliders.

Tigerclaw stands up and grabs his guns.

"Hit the deck !" Mika shouts as they hit the ground.

Shinigami attacks Tigerclaw, knocking his gun away and tossing him into a tree.

"Well, I was hoping to see you again Luna" Maya said.

"It's Shinigami !" Shinigami snares clashing her moon sythes against Maya's pysical sworad.

"Stop prending to be someone your not !" Maya shouts.

Shinigami pushes against her moon systhes.

"Your not the goddess, you never where, Your still that little girl moarning her mother" Maya snares.

Shinigami growls in anger.

"Shut up and fight me !" Shiningami snares, punching Maya so hard she falls to the ground. Karai quickly runs into a tent as if she was going to get someone.

"Nice !" Rai said.

Mikey stood there in amazement.

"We need to get out of here now !" Shinigami said.

"Not so fast" Snares a deep Japanese voice.

Shinigami, Mikey and the Bushi gang turns thire heads to see Tatasu wearing his demon helmet. Mikey gasps at him regonizing the man with the demon. He was the man he saw when he was younger.

"Tatasu !" The Bushi gang gasp.

"Your Tatasu I persume, I will admit I'm not all that impressed" Shinigami smirks.

"You have quit the tong on you girl" Tatasu snares taking out his swoard.

"Shit we need to get out of here !" Mika shouts.

Tatasu charges at Shinigami, who dodges and kicks him. He counters and punches her back, causing her to fall to the ground.
Mikey hits him with his nunchuckes. Tatasu turns his attention to Mikey for a second before Shinigami lunges at Tatasu touching his arm.

Suddenly Shinigami sees one of his memories.


15 years ago,

Tatasu stares at a very pale 7 year old boy, who laid almost lifelessly on a mat. He holds the little boy's hand.

"It's going to be alright my son" Tatasu whispers as an very old Woman, holding a medican scroll enters the room.

A turtle's self Journey (Sequel to A turtle's self doubt, Mikey×Shinigami story)Where stories live. Discover now