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The young boy sat in front of his cold window turned slowly towards the source of the noise with a look of confusion. His hair flopped down over his eyes and he racked a hand through his hair to shift it out of his line of sight right as his door flung open.

"Happy birthday!" His best friend yelled before pulling the string of a party popper causing a small echo to ring in the bed room. His boxy smile plastered across his face as he laughed at his best friends reaction.

"Thank you Tae." Jimin laughed softly and smiled before flipping his sketchbook closed ignoring the still drying paint. The bed squeaked as Taehyung threw himself onto the bed with a sigh. His eyes followed the glow in the dark stars lining the ceiling before turning over to look at Jimin who was staring at him.


"Where's Yoongi?" Jimin asked finally standing from where he was sitting to walk to his closet and change. He'd assumed they were going out considering Taehyung was dressed in a black long sleeve and loose blue sweats.

"He'll be here in like five minutes he's with his sister right now." Taehyung responded watching his best friend open his closet door and pull out an outfit that fit his personality. Jimin pulled on a black hoodie and ripped blue jeans before covering his messy hair in a black hat.

"You're too fashionable to be a fourteen year old." Taehyung commented as Jimin slid on his shoes.

"Blame my mom." He laughed before walking out of his room to go to the living room where a black haired boy was sitting.

"Hey old man." Jimin mocked causing Yoongi to jump up with surprise. Jimin laughed and the older recollected himself and stood up. After exchanging a few plans with on another they decide to leave and begin walking into town.

After walking for about twenty minutes the three stopped at a coffee shop that they enjoyed visiting every weekend when Yoongi was in town.

"So how's Seoul?" Taehyung asked Yoongi as he set down his cup of hot chocolate on the table in front of him leaving a small white line from the whipped cream over his lip. Yoongi pushed his thumb against his own lips to signal to his friend that their was something on his mouth before speaking.

"It's really fun even though I've only made one friend and I didn't even meet him through my major." Yoongi said pausing occasionally to think before speaking.

"What's his name?" Jimin asked after swallowing the sip of his drink he had taken.

"Kim Seokjin. He's really nice he works at a flower shop near campus." Yoongi explained causing Taehyung's eyes to widen for a moment before they returned to their normal size. The three continued conversing for a few hours with a few empty cups around them before they decided to get up and leave.

As the three walked Taehyung and Yoongi fell into a detailed conversation  about music and Jimin simply listened with his hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. His mind swirled with thoughts about a dance he was dying to practice but he knew better than to bring it up with his friends.

"Jimin are you okay?" Taehyung suddenly asked causing Yoongi's attention to shift focuses over to Jimin.

"Yeah just tired." Jimin responded quietly and gave them a small smile. Yoongi nodded in approval but Taehyung's face showed he was unconvinced but let it go anyways.


The front door to Jimin's house gasped quietly as he pushed it closed and locked it. He let out a sigh and walked back to his room on his tiptoes trying not to disturb the peace in the empty house. He kicked his shoes off into his closet and he walked through the halls to the kitchen. The only light emitting the room was the artificial green numbers on the microwave that was rarely used.

He opened the fridge and looked for something to cook and eventually just settled on ramen. The silence in the house was enough to break someone and it was on the verge of breaking Jimin. His mother was never around and he didn't live on a busy street. This resulted in pure silence unless Taehyung was at his house which wasn't as often as it used to be. Some people do well in silence. Jimin was not of those people.

Jimin cleaned up after himself and went to his room to look through his school assignments and dance announcements at different academy's. Even though he wasn't old enough to go to one of the academy's he liked to keep up with them especially Yoongi's art school.

'Dance Captain Jhope : Hope on the street'

Jimin clicked on the video and watched the speed and fluidity of the dancer he had never seen before. After watching the video he gave up on stalking dancers and then turned on a random song with his spotify account and grabbed his sketchbook to revisit what he had been painting earlier. The yellows were smeared across the page and the drawing was messy now. Jimin sighed and used a black pen and paint to change what his original drawing had been.

He used a blue paint to mix with the yellow and the painting's mood changed to something a lot darker but he just continued finishing up the drawing.

What he didn't notice was his tears hitting the paper as he drew.


Alright guys this is the prologue of Color Palette and I'm so excited for this story. I hope you guys are too. And this is a Jikook book which I'm excited about because I've never written a Jikook book.

~ Rose

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