ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20

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Christmas Day

"Everyone settle down." Jin commanded with a slightly raised voice to speak over the group in front of him that were bickering and playfully fighting. Eventually they went quiet and turned to look up at the eldest. "I think it should be present time." He said excitedly and shimmied his shoulders which caused Jimin to smack Jungkook's thigh as he laughed breathlessly.

They all waited patiently as each person opened their gifts from the others and reacted accordingly. The funniest response thus far had been Hoseok who leaped up from his seat and jumped around excitedly with girlish squeals after unwrapping the newest vinyl he had wanted for over a year from Jimin. "I love you." He repeated over and over as he kissed the top of the blondes head several times.

Soon there were only a few gifts left and Jimin's fingers were peeling away the wrapping of one of them. Inside the colorful Christmas paper was a long rectangular velvet box. He carefully pushed the top up to gasp at the sight of the necklace inside. It was a gold chain and gold letters dangling off the sides spelling out "butterfly" which was a nickname that Jungkook had become fond of calling his boyfriend over the recent weeks.

Jimin smiled at the gift and unclasped it to put it around his neck with a content expression. After thanking Jungkook with a soft kiss to the cheek the gift train moved over to the youngest of the group who only had Jimin's gift left.

"If this was expensive i'm going to kill you." Jungkook threatened as he tore off the paper to reveal a plain white box that was typically used for clothing. He peeled the lid off and gasped at the jacket that was neatly folded inside. "I'm gonna kill you Park Jimin." He declared before setting the gift down and standing to chase the boy that had already run away from him.

"You'll never catch me alive." Jimin yelled as he turned a corner into another long hallway inside of Jin and Namjoon's apartment. A squeal echoed through the apartment as Jimin heard footsteps getting closer to him. He retreated back to the living room and hid behind Hoseok who stood in a defensive  stance.

Jungkook's thundering steps came to a stop as he analyzed the scene in front of him. Jimin's arms were squeezed tightly around the older's waist as the others arms were outstretched in defense. "Let me at him."

Jimin let out a squeal as his attacker moved forward closing a small amount of space between them. One of Hoseok's hand wrapped around his back to hold Jimin and used his other hand to push against the chest of the youngest.

There was a loud yell that caused Jimin to jump and panic as Jungkook ran around the boys protection and grab his waist. "Let go of him you monster." Hoseok argued exaggeratedly and he attempted to pry the strong arms off of Jimin.

The situation set the three into fits of laughter and eventually they collapsed onto the floor somewhat tangled together. The dance trio had become extremely close over the duration of time since Jungkook had arrived so it wasn't particularly odd to see them messing around with one another. The others recognized this and laughed hysterically at the actions they often presented.

"Boys are you done yet? We would like to eat." Taehyung complained and he stretched his legs outwards to eliminate the soreness within them. "Yeah we'll meet you in the kitchen." Jungkook said breathlessly as he rolled onto his stomach and watched everyone except for Jimin migrate into the kitchen where the smell of food was emitting from.


Jimin shook his head 'no' and and slid on his chest across the floor and reached over to where the present had been half opened on the floor. "You didn't open the other half."

Slender fingers filed through the gift and clenched around the box before pulling it out and bringing it up to the youngest's face. "This?"

"Yes you goof." Jimin giggled and sat up to sit closer to Jungkook but still beside him and watched with anxious eyes as he opened the box. "Why did you spend so much money on me?" He asked as his fingers danced over the metal. It was a shorter necklace with a silver chain. The pendant dangling from it was engraved with a date along with a silver paintbrush.

"It's the day we met." Jimin explained when he noticed the confused face painting his boyfriend.  Light brown hair bobbed as he nodded in understanding and pulled it out of the box to clip it around his neck. "Let's go eat."

The kitchen was loud and chaotic with the group of boys acting up at the table. "For the love of god just pass me the rice bowl." Yoongi groaned in annoyance as he watched Taehyung pick out each grain of rice one out of time with his chopsticks. A playful smirk teased Yoongi's annoyance which pushed the onlookers into fits of laughter.

Once Yoongi finally pulled the bowl to his chest and swatted Taehyung's chopsticks again with his own the conversation died down to moderate level conversation.

"Can I say something?" Jimin suddenly asked grasping the attention of his friends finally silencing the table. After receiving nods he glanced down for half a moment to acknowledge the hand on his thigh.

"I love all you guys and i'm glad we're together for another Christmas."


Honestly who have I become? This story has become just a bunch of fluff. I'm weirdly okay with it though. I hope you guys enjoyed !

- Rose

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