ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10

15 2 1

Get ready ya'll...........


Sunlight beamed through the half open curtains onto the sleeping faces of all the boys as the day began. Jimin turned to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling on his side and he buried his puffy face further into the pillow under his head. Jungkook groaned at the uncomfortable feeling and rolled his head forward to find the source of pressure against his stomach. His eyes fluttered open and he peaked down at the person sleeping on his lap.

A small smile graced his features before he laid his head back against the cushion behind him. His eyes traced the lines on the ceiling as he attempted to fall back asleep when he heard shuffling on the other side of the room. He looked forward to see Hoseok slowly waking up out of his sleep and looking around in confusion.

"Good Morning." Hoseok whispered to Jungkook who nodded his head with a smile but no verbal reply. He ran a hand through his messy hair and used his hand to push himself up into a seated position. His eyes were puffy with sleep and half open causing Jungkook to laugh. "I guess it's our turn to go get breakfast." Hoseok said with a yawn and carefully stood from the couch making an effort to not step on Yoongi or Taehyung who were cuddling on the floor in front of the couch. Jungkook let out a sigh before slowly sliding his lap out from under Jimin's head and carefully set the pillow down on the floor.

Hoseok and Jungkook let out soft groans as they stretched and yawned to push the sleep out of their bodies before throwing on appropriate yet comfortable clothing before grabbing their keys, wallets, and phones to leave the dorm with the door closing quietly.


"We're home fuckers!" Hoseok yelled as he pushed open the door to the dorm earning groans and complains in response. "You're so damn loud." Yoongi complained and sat up from the floor with his hair sticking out all over the place and hooded eyes. Hoseok only laughed and leaned down to set the several different drinks down on the table and Jungkook followed with the different bags filled with breakfast foods.

Taehyung let out a giggle as he pressed the buttons on the controller quickly and pushed Namjoon to the side with his shoulder. The two were playing Mario Kart and were in the middle of a heated race. Jungkook shook his head with amusement and removed his shoes before falling into the corner of the couch.

"Where's Jimin?" Jungkook asked looking around the room noticing he was no longer present. "Bathroom" Namjoon mumbled distractedly as he moved the controller towards him sharply as attempts to do better. Jungkook nodded and pulled his pastry out of the food bag before pulling his knees up towards his chest.

Jimin walked back into the dorm wearing a hoodie and shorts and his hair messy. It took him a few seconds to register the commotion occurring in the room before a sleepy smile covered his face and he reached through the bags to find his food labeled with his name an a smiley face assumably from Hoseok.

Jimin fell into the couch cushion beside Jungkook and leaned his back against the younger's legs that were propped up. "Comfortable?" Jungkook asked feigning annoyance as he licked crumbs off his lips. Jimin turned his head and smiled excitedly and nodded. "Of course I am."


"So are we getting off of our asses today or?" Yoongi asked glancing over at his friends before returning his attention to Taehyung who was sat in front of him with damp hair and brown dye covering his bleached hair.

"You're dying his hair. Not much we can do." Jimin responded as he yanked open the mini fridge he was kneeling in front of and pulling out a cold water bottle. "I meant after." Yoongi responded crinkling his gloves around another section of Taehyung's hair. A small click could be heard as Jimin unscrewed the lid of the bottle and took a drink from it. He was deep in thought when Hoseok spoke up.

"Lets go to the fair tonight." He suggested looking over the room with curious eyes to look for their opinions. Jimin lit up and nodded his head excitedly. "Yes lets go do that." Jimin agreed. Eventually all the other agreed to the suggestion before returning to what they were doing.

"I wanna dye my hair." Jungkook announced causing Yoongi to pause what he was doing to gasp and look at the boy who had just spoke. "What?"

Jungkook looked around in confusion as Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin- the only three paying attention to him stared at him with wide surprised eyes. "You've always been against dying it." Taehyung commented looking up to watch Yoongi slowly drop the section of hair back down over his eyes.

"Well I want to try something new." Jungkook shrugged and Jimin pushed himself over to Jungkook to ruffle his dark hair. "Can I do it? I have an idea." Jimin commented and played lightly with a small strand of hair biting his lip in thought. "Sure."

Jimin practically bounced away from his position and into the drawer where Yoongi kept all of the hair dye. He grabbed the necessary equipment for bleaching and dying Jungkook's hair the color he had imagined.

Jungkook watched Jimin move around with an amused smile until he was in front of him again. "If my hair is green when this is over i'm never forgiving you." Jungkook threatened pointing his finger towards Jimin's face only causing Jimin to laugh. He put the materials on the table and dragged Jungkook by his hand to the small sink in the room. "Bend down." Jimin instructed and used his free hand to push the sink on. Jungkook complied and leaned down so that his hair was under the water coming from the faucet.

Jimin used both hands to push Jungkook's hair around under the water to effectively wet it. After Jungkook's hair was soaked Jimin softly pushed on Jungkook's forehead to signal that he could stand up fully again and he grabbed a towel to slightly dry Jungkook's hair so it wasn't dripping all of the dorm. Jimin put the towel around Jungkook's shoulders and pushed him by the back to a chair in the room.

Jungkook closed his eyes as Jimin's hands started moving through Jungkook's hair with the bleach coating his gloves. "This is going to take a while isn't it?" He asked softly and Jimin's hands paused as if he were thinking before they began moving again. "Most likely." He responded and scrubbed the back of Jungkook's head causing it to shake which resulted in Jimin laughing as he watched the younger's cheeks jiggle.

After about 15 minutes of laughing and scrubbing Jungkook's previously black hair was changed to a fizzy blonde color that Jimin needed to wash out. He dragged Jungkook back to the sink in the room and washed out the bleach and dragged him back to his seat to start actually dying the boys hair. He picked up a box filled with light brown dye and began massaging it into Jungkook's scalp.

As Jimin worked Jungkook closed his eyes and began humming a soft tune to keep his brain occupied to keep him awake rather than focusing on his own sleepiness. Jimin recognized the tune after a few seconds and began humming along with Jungkook as he continued massaging the brown into the boy's head.

After Jimin was done Jungkook was dragged by the hand towards the sink again and bent under the water. Jimin's hands worked through his hair again and Jungkook let out a soft sigh. "I'm going to blow dry it now." Jimin explained as he reached for a small tool under the sink and plugged it into the wall. Jungkook nodded and waited for Jimin to finish what he was doing.


Jungkook stood from his seat and walked towards the mirror hanging on the back of the door to the dorm. His hair was a light brown color and a bit frizzy from the blow dryer. It was still soft and falling onto his forehead covering his eyebrows.

"It's really nice Jimin." Jungkook finally commented still looking at his own reflection in the mirror. "I'm glad you like it." Jimin said giving Jungkook's back a smile before turning away to clean up the area he used to dye Jungkook's hair.


It wasn't a lot but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

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