ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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The cold air nipped at Jimin's exposed face as he walked as quickly as he could across campus to his class building cursing at the winter air that he wasn't prepared for. Once he swung the door open he was hit with only more cold air but it felt even colder than it was outside.

There were a few students walking around the hallways either rushing to their 6:30 classes or students waiting for their 6:45 classes which is what Jimin was struggling to get to. He dragged his feet up the stairs as he reached the third floor where his psychology class was. He dreaded this class but he needed it to help with his major.

"Hey Jimin." A voice greeted catching his attention and he spun around on his feet only a few steps away from the door.

"Hey Namjoon you going to the studio?" Jimin asked watching the older approach him to walk towards the stairs.

"No I think I'm just going to get something to drink and go back to the dorms. I'm not feeling well." Namjoon explained with a shrug and Jimin noticed the stuffed voice that he had.

"Get some soup at lunch too." Jimin said and Namjoon nodded before walking towards the stairs to walk down them and leave the building. Jimin walked into his lecture hall for psychology and settled himself in his normal seat in the back of the room where the outlet was to plug the charger of his laptop in.

After waiting about ten minutes the students were finished piling in and the professor walked in right after the large group of kids stumbling in only half awake, half the students had coffees nearly finished in their hands.


"I fucking hate lecture days." Jimin sighed with annoyance as he settled into his seat at the table in the dining hall. He was sitting with Hoseok and Taehyung who also had breaks at this time.

"Me too today I don't get done until 6:30." Hoseok groaned rubbing a hand over his face in stress of his long day considering it was only 12:30 in the afternoon.

"We have dance practice right after also." Jimin reminded pointing his fork over at Hoseok who only groaned again and slid his plate upwards to allow room for him to bang his head against the table. Taehyung jumped at the sudden noise only being half awake at the table and let out a strange sound of frustration.

"How bad would it be if I ditched classes to go to the dorm and sleep?" Taehyung asked staring into the clear liquid of his drink that was encased in his plastic cup.

"Bad considering you have your photo lecture today." Jimin commented and took a drink of his second coffee of the day. Taehyung groaned and shifted his things forward to join Hoseok with his head face down on the table. Jimin laughed at his two friends and continued eating while reading through his notes on his phone for the test he had in the 30 minute window for English.

"You guys okay?" A soft voice asked causing Jimin to look up in fear as he hadn't heard anyone approaching the table especially since the dining hall wasn't too busy at the moment. Jungkook stood over the table giving Hoseok and Taehyung strange looks of confusion. Jimin let out a small giggle and Jungkook looked over to him.

"Yeah they're okay just stressed and tired." Jimin explained and looked down noticing the full tray in Jungkook's hands meaning he had just gotten there.

"Want to eat here or do you have someone to meet?" Jimin asked and looked at Jungkook waiting for an answer. Jungkook's eyes shifted before meeting Jimin's again and his lip curled up enough to be considered a positive thing even if it wasn't a full smile.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered shortly and he took a seat at the empty chair after Jimin moved his backpack out of the way. Jimin continued to study for his test and smiled down at Taehyung when he heard soft snores coming from the boy signaling that he fell asleep. Hoseok raised his head eventually and slowly ate with his eyes half open.

Jungkook watched the group with confusion as to how they were functioning with such slow movements. Jimin noticed the confusion and simply laughed. Jungkook didn't say a word while eating other than 'goodbye' when he got up to throw his trash away and left the dining hall to go to his next class. Jimin clicked the home button of his phone and sighed once he saw the time.

"Taehyung wake up." Jimin said loudly and shook his shoulders to wake up the sleeping boy. He groaned and slowly raised his head unhappily. He rubbed the sleep from his face and rolled his head in a circle to crack his neck.

"I have to go, I'll see you guys later." Jimin said and stood from the table after receiving nods of acknowledgement. He threw his trash away and left the dining hall.


"Argh." Jimin sighed loudly and threw himself into a star position on the floor of the practice room and closed his eyes. Hoseok's laugh could be heard and the door shut and a bag hit the floor. There was a small thud beside him and he opened his eyes to turn and look at his friend.

"How were classes?" Hoseok asked and he sighed heavily. He rested his hands against his chest and looked over to Jimin.


Jimin laughed and nodded in agreement watching a Hoseok rolled over onto his stomach to rest his face against the floor. Jimin cringed at his face touching the dirty floor before turning his attention back to the ceiling with the fan spinning quickly. He trained his eyes on individual blades and watched it spin in isolation.

After several minutes of being entranced by the fan the door swung open and slammed against the door causing Jimin to jump up and Hoseok's head to push harshly against the floor in fear. He let out a loud groan and slowly rolled onto his back with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Jungkook quickly apologized and slid his bag across the floor against the wall where all the other bags were. Jimin rubbed his eyes and reached into his pocket to grab his phone and check the time. His eyes widened at the time as it said 7:30 pm.

"Oh damn I thought it was way earlier." Jimin commented and shoved his phone back into his pocket. He pushed his hands against the floor and raised his body to get up off the floor. Hoseok slowly sat up and rubbed his face before standing as well. Jungkook nodded at them acknowledging that he wasn't that late in their eyes.

Hoseok let out another loud groan before plugging his phone into the speaker and selecting the song they needed to practice their dance to. Jimin rolled his head around in a circle resulting in the cracking of it and he let out a breath of content.

"5,6,7..." Hoseok paused to yawn before finishing off the count. "8"


"That's it I'm done I'm going home." Hoseok said with frustration and threw his hands up in the air in the middle of the song causing Jimin to skid to a stop mid turn. His sneakers squeaked against the floor and Jungkook's feet crossed together and stopped.

Hoseok unplugged his phone and grabbed his bags before leaving and Jimin turned to watch him leave. Jungkook's shoulders shook from surprise after Hoseok slammed the door shut. Jimin let out a sigh and ran his hand through his tangled hair with defeat.

"Did we do something wrong?" Jungkook asked with slight hesitation and looked over at Jimin. Jimin recognized the look of guilt painted across the younger's face and he instinctively reached out to grab his wrist in comfort.

"No he just gets like this when he's tired." Jimin explained noticed Jungkook's gaze on his hand. Jimin slowly removed his hand from his arm and smiled nervously with apology. Jungkook nodded and pulled his phone out. He found the song they were dancing to and approached the speaker again.

"Do you want to keep practicing?" Jungkook asked watching Jimin slowly turn with his head tilted in thought.


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