ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8

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If there is a + in any of my chapters it means it's going to be a bit inappropriate. However I don't think i'll ever write full smut so you don't need to worry about that. Also this chapter is going to be a bit longer so bare with me. It's more of a fun explanation than furthering the plot lmao.


The music inside the dorm played softly as several different conversations engulfed the entirety of the room. Jungkook was leaned against the couch with Jimin behind him on the sofa playing with his hair as they talked about art. Hoseok and Taehyung were trying to learn a new silly dance they found on YouTube earlier that day. Each time an error was made Hoseok would burst into laughter with Taehyung.

Yoongi was laid on the floor tossing a small pink ball up and down trying to be careful of hitting himself in the face again as he spoke to Namjoon. Namjoon's hair was being tugged in several places by Jin as he spoke to Yoongi about their music class.

The room was loud and overwhelming to anyone that wasn't one of the boys. So many conversations were being upheld along with music in such a small space would typically be overwhelming. But for them it was normal.

That is until Jungkook broke all of the divided groups and redirected the attention to himself. "Can I ask a weird question?"

All of the boys perked up at the interesting proposition and Jin nodded letting the boy know it was okay to ask the question. "Are you all straight?" He asked slowly hoping not to offend anyone. The boys burst into loud laughter and Jimin shook his head.

"None of us are."

Jungkook's eyes widened not believing what he heard for a moment. He had assumed a few were straight at least.

"You thought I was straight didn't you?" Yoongi asked directing Jungkook's shocked expression towards. He nodded in confirmation and Yoongi laughed. "Are you straight?" Jimin piped up looking down at the top of Jungkook's head and he attempted braiding the flat hair.


The rest nodded and slowly began falling back into conversations when Jin looked up from Namjoon with excitement. "Should we tell stories of how we knew?" Jin asked and Namjoon let out a loud groan of disagreement. "We already have like 10 times."

Jin tapped the top of Namjoon's head with his hand causing him to look up with a hurt expression. "Jungkook hasn't heard them though." Jin argues and Namjoon only sighed and nodded his head knowing he wouldn't win the argument.

"Taehyung should go first."

Taehyung groaned and covered his face with his hands as he already felt it turning red. "Why mine is so embarrassing!" He attempted to argue with his bright red face still covered.

"Just go."


The sound of a door slamming echoed through the house as two boys stumbled into the dark hallway. They were laughing uncontrollably as they stumbled over their feet up the carpeted stairs.

"Shhh." The younger of the two slurred out causing the other to laugh louder as he tripped over the step he could barely even see in front of him.

The pair eventually made it into the bedroom and Taehyung messily kicked his shoes off into an unknown corner. The other boy he couldn't remember the name of reached forward and grabbed Taehyung's hips eagerly. Their lips worked together in a messy rhythm and Taehyung's hands pushed up under the boys shirt to pull it over his head.

As Taehyung pushed the other back towards the bed he used his hands to undo his own belt with impatience.

"What the fuck?" A feminine voice yelled cause the two boys to yell in fear. Taehyung stumbled towards the light switch to turn on the light. He waited a few moments for his blurred over vision to somewhat focus and find the source of the noise. Once his eyes adjusted he let out a long sigh noticing his sister grumpily staring back at him.

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