ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14

14 2 2

I'm sorry.....for what Taehyung says

Jimin unzipped his coat with careful fingers before throwing it into the already messy pile of jackets and scarves on the end of Jin's bed created by the rest of the boys. It took a few seconds for Jimin to noticed the stack of unmade cardboard boxes laid on top of Jin's bed. His pace slowed as he took a seat on the couch after pushing Taehyung's leg out of the way. "What's going on?"

"I have an announcement. Namjoon and I are moving out." Jin said and visibly grimaced waiting for the response of the rest of the boys. Jimin's brows furrowed as he watched Namjoon nod in approval of what Jin said when several pairs of eyes fell onto him. Hoseok broke the silence as he fiddled with his hair "where are you guys moving?"

"An apartment near campus." Jin explained and Jimin slowly nodded his head acknowledging what the older had said. Jimin watched as Jungkook's hand rose into the air causing him to laugh at the boys childish action. Namjoon laughed and pointed his finger towards Jungkook as a teacher would. "Will you still feed me?" Jungkook's question earned several laughs and a nod from Jin as he apologized for laughing.


"I cant believe they're moving out." Jimin mumbled as he pulled the sweater he had on over his head. He leisurely tossed it onto a pile of dirty laundry that was forming in his basket before moving to a drawer to pull out a facecloth.

The sink water rushed out of the faucet loudly as Jimin glanced at Taehyung in the mirror who was giving him a shrug before he submerged his face in the water. "I personally think its time. Jin's about to graduate." Taehyung reasoned. Jimin made a muffled sound of confirmation as he scrubbed his face with both hands applying the cleanser everywhere. "Plus you can't really have loud sex in the dorms." Taehyung added causing Jimin to choke on the saliva building in his mouth from not swallowing while washing his face.

Jimin hummed at the soft towel touching his face as he dried it before looking to Taehyung who was laying comfortably on the floor in between their beds. "You're disgusting." Jimin laughed before throwing his towel into the laundry basket where his sweater was draped messily.

"I'm sorry I just haven't gotten any in months." Taehyung wined. Jimin shot him a judge mental look as he pulled sweats out of his drawer and quickly changed not paying attention to if Taehyung watched him change or not. After being friends for so long Jimin didn't mind what Taehyung saw.

"You could easily get some from Yoongi." Jimin commented pointing his finger towards Taehyung and playfully wiggled both of his eyebrows, the movement was filled with suggestion. "But I like him, it would get too messy. I can't hoe if I have feelings."

"Good point." Jimin commented giving the statement a thoughtful nod even though it was clear he was mocking Taehyung. Jimin's arms shot up in defense as he caught the pillow that Taehyung had violently thrown in his direction.

"You have no right to make fun of me Jeon Jimin." Taehyung mocked and Jimin gave his best friend a side eye look before throwing the pillow back over to the opposite bed. "Taehyung."

"Jimin I know you like him i'm your best friend." Taehyung said pointedly only causing Jimin to let a heavy sigh past his lips. "I don't and you know that."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

This update is a little bit shorter but don't worry the next one is going to be a bit longer :)

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