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I'm missing this story a bit so I decided to write a little bonus chapter. Maybe i'll write more idk. Let's just see what happens.


"Is Jungwook working on the attic?" Hoseok asked waddling across the room with two large cardboard boxes stacked in his hands. Jimin laughed at his puffed cheeks and red tipped ears as he pushed himself off the floor in the corner of the living room to  grab one of the boxes. "Yes why?" He asked pressing a soft lipped kiss on the others nose before walking away and setting the box where it needed to go in the living room.

"I'm just worried he's going to organize like you used to organize your dorm." Hoseok teased setting his box down beside Jimin's and gasping when he felt Jimin's small hand swat at his chest. "I was unorganized? Do you not remember how you lived?" Jimin said with a raised brow and tilted look.

"Good point." He deflated before falling into the couch cringing at it sliding backwards slightly against the smooth wooden floor. "We need a carpet." He said matter of factly as he threw his head back against the couch pushing an exhausted sigh past his lips.

"We will worry about that when we-" He pauses using his finger to motion around between the two of them, "finish unpacking." He said before picking up a box cutter and separating the tape holding a box closed.

"Dad!" Jungwook yelled from the staircase causing both men in the living room to glance up. He was leaning over the railing pushing his upper body into their line of sight. His fingers were fidgeting around with a small black stick connected to tangled wires. "Yes my love?" Jimin asked stepping to the side a bit to get a better view of his son.

"What is this old thing?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows and confused fingers. Jimin scoffed as Hoseok laughed and hunched over on his stomach before pushing himself off the couch. "Hear that honey? We're officially old." His lover teased and wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"Well Wookie" Jimin teased using the irritating nickname Jin had given the boy when he was first adopted making the teen cringe in annoyance. "That's a photo stick your uncle Taehyung and Yoongi got for me when we were in college." Jimin explained with a raised eyebrow as the teen slowly walked down the stairs with curious eyes.

"Can we look at them?" He asked and Hoseok lit up about the idea before running over to childishly grab the stick and run into the living room where the television was already plugged in and set up on the tv stand. "We're going to look at them." Hoseok said and ran back over to drag the remainder of his small family into their packed up living room.

He used the button on the side of the tv to start the pictures to let them start floating across the screen. Jimin found comfort beside his husband with their hands intertwined and his other hand tangled in his sons hair that laid his head across his lap.

"Oh my god is that Yoongi hyung?" Jungwook gasped shooting up from his position to watch a photo of Yoongi with flat red hair dance across the screen. He broke into a fit of laughter at the hair cut before sliding off the couch to sit closer to the tv.

Hoseok and Jimin watched him move entranced towards the screen before returned their focus to the pictures. Hoseok laughed quietly as a picture of he and Jimin faded into their vision. "That was our first dance competition together." Jimin reminisced remembering how nervous he had been.

"Dad." Jungwook said softly as he studied the picture on the screen. In any other situation he would've laughed at the ridiculous image but bit it back. "Is that Jungkook?"

Jimin laughed brightly as he focused on the picture of Hoseok and Jungkook mid slut drop with pink cheeks and hands clutched around red plastic cups filled with alcohol. "That's the first time he drank with us."

"The day we corrupted him." Hoseok reminisced as he squeezed his husbands hand tightly before loosening it again. Several more photos flew past their eyes until Jungwook jumped up and paused the photos by using a button on the tv. Hoseok returned his attention to the screen with the sudden jump of his son instead of kissing Jimin's soft cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked before slowly looking to the tv when his heart clenched at the picture. Jungkook was sitting on the dance stage of the performance hall where the three of them always danced. Jungwook was perched on his shoulders with his hands flat on Jungkook's hair ruining it style.

"W-when did we take this?" Jungwook stuttered out quietly angry at himself for no remembering one of the few memories they had.


"There's Jimin hyung." Jungwook bounced excitedly in his seat causing the boy beside him to glance over in concern. The lights dimmed to complete darkness and the two most important people in Jungkook's life stepped out into everyone's view. He cupped his hands around his mouth and cheered loudly before quieting down as the music started.  

The two boys fell into a passionate dance with one another all across the stage and Jungkook would occasionally glance beside him to watch the young boy with folded hands and lip stuck under his teeth in focus.

After the dance was over Jungwook nearly collapsed out of his seat with praise and applause. Jungkook had to reach forward and pull him back from running up onto the stage.

After the crowds cleared and the lights turned back on Jimin and Hoseok stumbled out from backstage with bags clutched in their hands that they were swinging at each other trying to knock the other one down.

"Hobi stop." Jimin squealed running down the stairs of the stage to dodge behind Jungkook's tall frame filled with giggles. Hoseok skidded to a stop in front of Jungkook who puffed his chest out with a serious look. "Don't touch my man Hoseok." Jungkook fake threatened. Hoseok raised his hands and backed off walking over to Jungwook to pick him up and swing him around like an airplane.

"Thanks love." Jimin whispered pushing up on his toes to press a light kiss on the back of Jungkook's neck sending shivers all over his body.

"Anything for you pretty." He responded turning around to mold his lips with the love of his life before pulling back with an cheesy smile.

"Kookie hyung can we take a picture?" Jungwook suddenly asked running up behind the taller one and tugging on one of his belt loops. "Of course little man." He said and picked up the child before walking quickly to the edge of the stage. Once they were settled Jungwook climbed into the boy's shoulders and stabilized himself using the orders head.

"Alright babies say cheese." Jimin beamed with a bright smile as he pressed the picture button on his phone camera. "You look great with a kid." Jimin winked after pushing his phone back into his pocket and approaching the pair on the stage.

"We'd look great with a kid." Jungkook responded glancing up at Jungwook for merely half a second before looking back to Jimin who nodded his head in understanding.


"T-That's the day he decided we should adopt you." Jimin whispered looking up into the light and using the back of his free hand to wipe tears away from his cheeks when he noticed he was crying. Jungwook's head shot around to look at Jimin.

"He wanted to adopt me that early?" He asked slowly unsure of the answer.

"He loved you from day one." Jimin said softly and Jungwook tilted his head in confusion.

"He said he can keep you happy even if i'm gone. He can take fill in for me." Jimin recited remembering what he first love said to him long ago.


Yeah i'm still attached to this story so here's a little bonus. Maybe more to come ;)
- Rose

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