ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13

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Jimin slammed the two covers of the book together bringing the old paper back together as one before tossing it to the end of his bed and pushing off of the mattress with both hands landing somewhat smoothly on the floor. Taehyung glanced up at him before looking back down into his lap at his computer screen with big black headphones covering both his ears blasting music so loud it was surprising he wasn't deaf yet.

"I'm coming." Jimin called as a response to another knock against the wood of the door that was heard. He used his hand to adjust the neckline of his sweater and pull it back over his shoulder before working the locks to swing the door open. His head tilted in confusion as he was met with light brown hair and tired eyes. "Jungkook?"

Jimin turned to motion with his hand a welcoming gesture to Jungkook. "Get ready." Jungkook politely demanded and Jimin raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I am ready." His response was slow and playful as if he were speaking to a confused child. He gestured toward himself to further prove his point. Covering his upper body was a oversize light blue sweater that would occasionally fall off his shoulder and expose his collar bone. It was matched with black ripped jeans that reached slightly above his ankles.

"I suppose you are." Jungkook responded with a short embarrassed laugh causing Jimin to smile. "Where are we going?" Jimin muffled as he squatted down and rested his head in between his thighs to reach aimlessly into the darkness under the bed for his boots. He let out a quiet 'yes' as he pulled the shoes out and slid them on over his socks covered in pineapples.

"Well I noticed you've been down for the past couple days so I figured I would take you somewhere."

Jimin's eyes widened for a moment before they returned to their regular size as he processed what Jungkook said. He slowly nodded his head as he tried not to think about how obvious his mood has been even when it wasn't intended.

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled and waved his hands exaggeratedly in front of his best friends face attempting at getting some kind of reaction from him. "Huh?" Taehyung reached up and pushed the headphones off his head causing his hair to stick up straight in various places as he looked over his best friends face with confusion.

"I'm going somewhere with Jungkook, I'll be back later."

Taehyung nodded before pushing his headphones back over his ears and returning all his attention to the screen in front of him. Jimin laughed softly before pushing away from the bed and grabbing everything he needed off of the desk that was cluttered with university work he had been unmotivated to do.

The two walked in step with one another and the air around them remained quiet. The sun was dim and covered in light gray clouds creating shadows that danced across the campus in uneven patterns. There was snow stuck down across the concrete and grass from a light snow storm a few days before. Jimin pushed out an exaggerated breath and watched it turn into white mist that danced through the air in front of him. He stuffed his hands inside his large jacket's pockets before shoving his chin farther into the turtleneck part of the jacket.

"Cold?" Jungkook asked watching his breath move away from his face before shifting his focus to Jimin. Jimin's lips quivered as he trailed his tongue across them to attempt at getting rid of some of the dryness. "A bit." He responded without looking at Jungkook who simply nodded.

"So not to be rude but where are we going?" Jimin asked as his eyes trailed over the slightly unfamiliar setting they were in. There were large trees covered in white snow and yellow fairy lights that were wrapped intricately around the branches and even the tree trunk. They were all twinkling brightly even through it was early evening.

Jimin slowly walked ahead of Jungkook who had stopped walking and further into the maze of trees. Not all of the trees were covered only a select few that were closer to the front. He ran his bare fingers delicately over the warm bulbs and let out a small laugh that sounded more of a giggle of excitement as snow fell onto his fingers. "What is this place?" He finally asked speaking up a bit to ensure Jungkook could hear his question considering the distance between them. Jungkook bit his lip before taking slow steps forward and speaking, "It's the trees that the council decorates for holidays." He explained pausing before finishing his statement. "Or at least that's what I was told."

Jimin let out another laugh this time letting the smile touch his eyes and push them into happy crescents. The lights reflected off of his eyes once they were open again and they flickered over each train of lights before he looked back over at Jungkook who was already watching him. "What are you looking at?" Jimin asked pushing out his bottom lip forming a pout replacing the smile that was covering his face.

"Nothing." His face was playful and his lips were tilted in more of a smirk rather than a smile. Jimin watched him with suspicious eyes before nearly jumping out of his skin at his phone ringing really loudly in his pocket. He clutched at his heart with his free hand and used his other hand to answer the phone.


"Jiminie where are you guys?"

"A park why?"

"Come to Jin hyung's dorm please. And he said hurry it's cold."

"Okay we're coming Yoongi."

Jimin shoved his phone and hands back into his pockets and turned to Jungkook who was looking at him with a questioning eyebrow. White mist pushed its way out between Jimin's lips as he thought before speaking. "We have to go to Jin's for reasons I don't know." He explained and Jungkook nodded with a small smile compared to the smirk that had previously occupied his facial features.

The wind picked up and blew Jimin's hair up off his forehead and in random directions causing Jungkook to laugh as he pouted again at the exposure of his forehead. "You should style your hair like that more often." Jungkook commented causing Jimin's path of walking to sway to the side a bit as he turned to look at Jungkook with his head tilted. "Why?"

"It's cute."

Jimin's cheeks warmed slightly causing the rest of his frozen over face to burn over with embarrassment. "Stop." He wined in response dragging out the ending of the word only causing Jungkook to chuckle brightly. Jimin pulled his hand out of his pocket and pushed his hand out to push Jungkook's shoulder only to have his hand caught by the other.


I'm feeling a little fluffy right now so here you go <3

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