ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9

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"It's performance day boys!"

Jimin smiled brightly at Hoseok as he reached up to his shoulders to fix the sleeves on his tank top. He carefully unrolled the folded sides of the sleeves and rubbed his exposed shoulders to warm himself as the air conditioner blasted down onto him.

"Jungkook I need to do your makeup." The stylist called and Jungkook let out a loud groan causing Jimin to laugh in amusement. "Quit complaining just go." Jimin laughed and reached over to grab a hanger with his jacket on it. He ran his hands over the blue felt material of the jacket and pulled it off the hanger. He slid it on over his shoulders and shook to adjust to it.

"Damn you look sexy Jimin." Hoseok joked as he looked over the boy standing in front of him. His chest was exposed from the low v neck that Jimin was wearing and and his jacket sat loosely on his shoulder occasionally falling off. "Says you." Jimin commented back and picked up his chunky purple choker off the table holding all of their personal belongings.

Hoseok did a small spin as he showed off his outfit. His odd patterned jacket billowed around him as he spun. His chest was equally as exposed as Jimin's. "Where's your choker?" Jimin asked looking over his friend's appearance again. Hoseok shrugged and Jimin looked around the room before finding it buried under Jungkook's joggers that he had been wearing before changing. Jimin picked it up and walked over to Hoseok to tie it around his neck.

"Damn those look uncomfortable." Jungkook commented as he walked back into the room with his hair and makeup finally finished. "I personally like this feeling." Jimin joked as he winked in the direction of the younger causing his eyes to widen. Hoseok reached forward and smacked Jimin's shoulder in disapproval with a shake of his head.

"He's too young for that."


"Okay where the hell is Jungkook?" Hoseok asked using a tissue to dab away any sweat on his forehead and adjusted his choker. Jimin looked around trying not to move too quickly and ruin his hair before the the performance even began as he searched for Jungkook. "Ill go look for him."

"You have ten minutes."

Jimin nodded at the stage coordinator and walked away from the waiting area. He walked through the hallways with determination occasionally bowing at the people he would pass. He pushed open the door to the room where they had been getting ready to find it abandoned of anybody. Then he opened the door to the snack room to only find two stylists drinking some coffee together at a table. Jimin waved to them before closing the door and walking further down the hallway.

'Where the hell are you?' Jimin whispered to himself as he walked deeper into the hall that engulfed him in silence. The only noise now was the heels on the back of Jimin's shoes clicking loudly against the tile. He finally came to one of the few practice rooms in the arena and pushed open to the door to find Jungkook jumping around the room with the song they were going to dance do playing loudly.

"Jungkook what are you going?" Jimin asked softly as he opened the door fully to allow himself space to walk into the room. Jungkook abruptly stopped dancing and spun to turn and look at Jimin. "Practicing."

Jimin's curious eyebrows smoothed over in sadness as he walked over to where Jungkook's phone was resting and pausing the song and unplugging the cord from it. "Why?"

Jungkook adjusted his hair with shaky hands and let out a defeated sigh before responding to Jimin. "I don't want to mess up." He admitted and Jimin shook his head and began walking across the room to be face to face with the younger. "You're not going to. Even if you do it's not the end of the world." Jimin reasoned attempting to give him a confident smile but he only received another sigh. "But I'll disappoint you."

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