ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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"Where did that come from?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow as he watched Jimin balance himself on top of his bed with a thick canvas in hand. He had a hammer in his hand and there was a nail stuck between his teeth. The pulled out the nail and used the hammer to put it into the wall.  A loud banging sound echoed as the hammer pounded against the wall for a second and then it stopped again. "Jungkook."

Taehyung's eyebrow raised even higher on his forehead with shock as he watched Jimin's body twist a bit so that he could perfectly adjust the painting to hang straight on the wall. After successfully hanging the painting Jimin's legs collapsed under him into a cross as his butt hit the bed. "Why did he make that?" Taehyung asked and Jimin turned to face the others bed before responding. "Painting project." Jimin shrugged and laid down on his side looking at Taehyung.

"It's so bright." Taehyung commented letting his curious eyes flicker over the light colors surrounding the painted version of his best friend. Jimin smiled and laughed at the comment has he watched Taehyung admire the painting. "That's what I said."


"Okay. Okay. Okay." Jimin yelled loudly as he squirmed uncomfortably in between the hands of Hoseok. His slender fingers were pushing harshly into the younger's sides as the one in his grasp laughed loudly.

"Say what I told you to." Hoseok demanded with playful dominance as he watched the boy in front of him squirm with a laugh. Jimin jerked at the feeling of Hoseok's hands pushing into his sides again and he twisted his hips to move away from the older but sighed in defeat when the movement failed. "Y-you're hotter than Taehyung." Jimin stuttered out in between breathless laughs. Hoseok's fingers finally moved away from the sides of the younger and Jimin doubled over in fatigue.

"You're annoying." Jimin complained running his hands over his sides in attempts at soothing his aching waist. Hoseok simply laughed before shaking his head to reset his hair in its usual position. The door to the dorm swung open and Yoongi stood in the doorway with stress written across his facial features. His hair looked like it had been tugged on multiple times and he wore his glasses that he never had on.

"You okay?" Jimin asked with hesitation and Yoongi nodded shortly before stumbling into the dorm with all his books and dropping them against the surface of his desk with a strong amount of force. Hoseok jumped at the noise and looked to Jimin with concern. "Why are you guys in here?" Yoongi asked looking over at the two after pulling a hoodie over his head to cover the t-shirt he had been wearing. "I'm waiting for Jungkook" Jimin shrugged and jumped onto Jungkook's neatly made bed creasing the sheets. "Jimin got lonely." Hoseok shrugged and leaned against the back of the couch in the dorm.

"Why are you waiting for Jungkook?" Jimin thought for a moment and shrugged casually before answering."We're just going to hang out today." He responded and watched Yoongi for his reaction. He simply shrugged and flopped onto the mattress of his bed. With his eyes closed he pulled the glasses off his face and left them on the table beside his bed before smashing his face into the pillow and galling asleep quickly.

After a couple minutes of waiting the door to the dorm opened to reveal Jungkook who actually looked like he wanted to be awake for once. He had on a t-shirt and windbreaker with ripped jeans. His shoes were black combat boots and he wore makeup around his eyes. "Wow look at you looking nice for once." Jimin teased earning a glare from Jungkook as he dropped his bag down on the floor beside the door. "Dick." Jungkook muttered earning a soft laugh from Jimin as he pushed himself up and off of the bed. "Really? My bed." Jungkook complained and threw an annoyed look at Jimin.

"You'll live." Jimin said bending down to retie his boots with quick fingers. Jungkook huffed out an annoyed breath but soon let the annoyance fall from his face as he watched Jimin stand straight up with a pout. "You're a baby." Jimin complained and picked his phone up from the bed and shoved it into his back pocket. Jungkook shook his head in disagreement but didn't say anything. "Let's go."

Hoseok waved goodbye to the two boys that were walking out of the door before laying down on the couch and scrolling through his phone.

"So where are we going?"

Jungkook turned to look at the boy with confusion. "You didn't plan anything?" He asked with a raised brow. Jimin only responded with a bright laugh and a shake of his head. "No who do you think I am?" Jungkook sighed and thought for a moment about what they could do. Before an idea could even come to his head Jungkook watched as Jimin jumped up in excitement.

"I know where we can go."

Jimin led the younger across campus with a bright smile written on his face the entire walk. Jungkook watched with confusion as the older basically skipped ahead of him to a small store tucked in between two larger shops. It was painted light blue and decorated in childlike paintings of flowers. Jungkook let out a chuckle as Jimin disappeared inside the store before he was close enough to even hear the ding of the bell.

"Jimin!" Jin cheered with excitement as he watched the bubbly character walk into the store. Jimin smiled and waved over at him before moving into an aisle outlined by hand built wooden shelves. The smell of hundreds of different kinds of flowers filled Jimin's senses as he walked deeper into the store. The bell above the door rang again signaling that Jungkook finally made it inside.

"Jimin how are we going to hang out in a flower shop?" Jungkook asked as he reached Jimin with his hands shoved comfortably in the pockets of his jacket. "We're going to play a game. We're going to make each other bouquets of flowers. Kind of like what we did with the paintings." Jimin suggested and Jungkook's head tilted to the side with interest. His hair fell over to the side in a messy yet clean style as he pondered the suggestion. "Okay."


"You're going first this time Jimin."

Jimin nodded and disappeared into the area where he hid his mixed collection of flowers before reappearing in front of Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widened in confusion as he looked at the color palette in front of him.

"It's black and white, that's a bit simplistic Jimin." Jungkook critiqued playfully and Jimin reached forward with his free hand to hit Jungkook on the arm and he fake flinched in excruciating pain. "It's white because of the purity we assumed you had. The black ones are us assuming we were corrupting you." Jimin explained and paused waiting for Jungkook to notice what was off about the collection in front of him. "Why is there a blue one?"

"It shows that we were wrong. It shows your real self in the mix of our assumptions since we don't know much about you. But I do know you weren't pure when you got here and we haven't done any corrupting to you." Jimin explained staring down at the flowers in his hand and running his finger over the blue petals before handing it to Jungkook. He let out a soft smile before walking around the corner of a different aisle to grab the one he had built for Jimin.

The flowers were all a dark red color except for a single light pink one in the center along with a black one. The design was close to Jimin's except with less color. "Is there an explanation for this or is it simply because it looks nice?" Jimin asked with genuine confusion as he looked at Jungkook's hands as he fidgeted with the petals. "It has an explanation."

Jimin nodded with a smile and waited patiently for Jungkook to start talking. "The red is a representation of how everyone sees you. Pretty and mysterious. The pink is who you are. The real you when you're with your friends. That's how you are when you and Taehyung have movie nights or when you drag me to study with all of you for tests at the last minute." Jungkook explained cause Jimin's eyes to widen in confusion. That was the most he had heard the younger talk since he arrived at the school a few months ago.

"And the black one if what you're hiding from the world." Jungkook finished and handed Jimin the flowers. Jimin stared at the flowers with a blank expression for a few seconds before he finally smiled a bit.

"Thank you Jungkook."

"You're welcome Jimin."

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