ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

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"Jimin I really don't think you need to dye your hair for this."

Jimin glanced over in the mirror to look at Hoseok who was pulling a dark button up over his shoulders. He was slowly buttoning it when he looked up again. "Seriously the outfit looks fine with your black hair." He reasoned. Jimin ran a hand through his hair before examining himself in the mirror.

"Okay but blonde would look even better." He stated turning to walk across the room to grab his jacket off the hanger. The blue fabric felt soft against his fingers as he shrugged it on over his exposed shoulders. "Jungkook what do you think?" Hoseok asked suddenly turning his attention to the younger who was quietly buttoning his shirt. His head snapped up and his eyes widened in confusion. "Huh?"

"Should I dye my hair blonde for this or leave it black?" Jimin asked pointing exaggeratedly at his messy hair causing Jungkook to nearly smile but not quite laugh. "Silver." Jungkook said a bit boldly and Jimin's eyes widened with happiness. "Oh my god that's even better." Jimin said excitedly and smiled at Jungkook before turning to pick up his oversize choker.


Jimin groaned loudly as he set his phone down beside his torso on the bed as he laid staring at the ceiling. He wanted to get his hair dyed but nobody was available to come with him and sit with him through the unbearably long process. All the other boys had late classes and he didn't want to wait until after dance practice. After wallowing in self pity for a bit he decided to try and ask one last person.

Hey are you busy?

No. Why?

Want to come with me to get my hair dyed?

Sure meet me at my dorm

Jimin nearly fell off his bed when Jungkook responded considering he had half expected the boy to say no and stay in his dorm all day long like he usually did.

He quickly got up to throw some comfortable clothes over his body considering he had been lounging around in boxers all day and it probably wouldn't be appropriate for him to leave his dorm in just that. His feet moved quickly as he jogged up the stairs within the dorm to get to the floor where Yoongi's dorm existed. Jimin knocked three times specifically before pulling away from the door and waiting.

"Hey Jungkook." Jimin greeted as the younger opened the door to reveal himself and the messy dorm room behind him. His hair was still dripping with water but he wore a long sleeve and joggers. "Hi Hyung." Jungkook responded and grabbed his phone off the table before stepping out into the hall closing the door behind him.

"You really didn't have to come i'm sorry for dragging you out." Jimin said finally feeling intimidated by the silence engulfing the pair as they walked across the large campus to the student parking lot where Jimin's old rusty car was waiting for them. Jungkook simply shrugged in response before actually speaking. "I don't mind" he said softly and continued walking along side Jimin. Jimin nodded his head causing his hair to bounce messily and land on his forehead. He let out a soft entertained giggle and pushed it out of his face.

"Are we walking?" Jungkook asked softly as Jimin turned the corner towards the exit of the campus. Jimin shook his head no and pointed to the parking garage signs that he had been following on their quiet walk. He received a nod in acknowledgement as Jimin pulled open the door to the staircase. He bent down in an exaggerated bow. "You first."

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