ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

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The sky was a thick dark blue color appearing black if you didn't focus hard enough. Several shining stars glittered the sky with beauty and in the center of it all was the moon. Completely full and glowing an iridescent yellow mixed with silver. The air was still and birds flew quietly from place to place. Small clouds strewn thin covered the sky but held a pure white rather than gray. The ground was no longer covered in a think blanket of snow but rather just frozen over from the water left in its wake.

Jimin's eyes were trained on several different stars as he traced random shapes out in his head. His eyelashes fluttered anytime he got lost in a cluster and he let out a sigh of defeat every time a shape didn't come out the way he imagined it or didn't get completed at all. His cheeks were dusted over with pink from the moderate amount of alcohol in his system. His fingers danced over the fabric of his hoodie that was covering his stomach as he concentrated. Jungkook's slender fingers were massaging at the scalp of Jimin's head and would occasionally pull at the strands lightly.

"Jungkook why are you so sad?"

Jimin watched Jungkook from an angle making him seem upside as he looked around the grass they were in on top do blankets. The rest of the boys were sleeping quietly scattered on blankets in what appeared to be a broken circle. "I'm not sad Jiminie." Jungkook said softly as he looked down to make eye contact with the boy looking up at him from his lap. Jimin felt a pang in his chest as he watched Jungkook's frown deepen after he asked the question. He knew Jungkook was lying based on how he was looking at Jimin.

"You're lying." Jimin stayed bluntly before returning his eyes to the objects above Jungkook rather than the boy himself. Jungkook let out a deep sigh before rubbing his thumb over Jimin's cheek.

"Cause I don't want to make you sad love." Jungkook responded with a pet name he'd never used on Jimin before. Shock decorated Jimin's face as his eyes flicked back to connect with Jungkook's. "When I'm sad you're sad." He further explained and Jimin nodded in disagreement. "I won't be this time I promise." Jimin argued bringing his hand up to meet Jungkook's eye level with a chubby pinky extended towards him. Jungkook simply laughed before removing one of his hands from Jimin's hair to interlock their pinkies.

The gesture was light and childish but it still meant a lot to the slightly intoxicated boy laying happily in the lap of the younger.

"Life made me sad." Jimin pouted at the response and reached up to poke Jungkook's cheek and flinched at the cold temperature due to the weather outside. "What did life do to my Kookie?" He asked playfully and rolled onto his side so that his ear was against the rolled up blanket acting as a pillow in Jungkook's lap. He used him thumb to rub small circles on his knee as he patiently waited for Jungkook's response.

"Life doesn't accept people like me." Jungkook explained continuing to slowly drag his fingers through Jimin's hair. Jimin's eyebrows furrowed together in a crease before softening back to its regular appearance. "Huh?"

Jungkook let out a sigh and Jimin glanced upwards in an uncomfortable position to look at him before returning his eyes to Jungkook's knee where his fingers were. "Life doesn't always like when boys like boys." Jungkook explained simply and Jimin pouted against the blanket. "What happened?" He asked curiously and Jungkook's hands froze for a minute before returning to the soothing pace.

"Long ago boys used to bully me because I liked boys. They used to tell me not to talk because they didn't like hearing me." Jungkook whispered out his reply with a voice crack at the end of his explanation. Jimin's eyes widened and he used his hands to push off of Jungkook's thigh and into a sitting position. "Why would anyone do that?" He asked softly and leaned forward to rest his elbows on Jungkook's knees. Jungkook let out a soft laugh at Jimin's appearance before looking down.

"I don't know Jimin." Jimin frowned and let out a small whimper. Tears slowly slid down his cheeks until they dropped off his chin and onto his sweat pants. "Why are you crying?"

Jimin sniffled and rubbed his sleeve under his eyes before looking up to make eye contact with the boy sitting in front of him looking at him with concern and sadness. "Nobody should ever hurt you like that. It's nice hearing you talk." Jimin pouted letting the tears slowly stop. Jungkook smiled half heartedly and wiped the last tear from Jimin's still pink cheeks.

"It's too late for that."

And.....the fluff is gone lol. But jikook is making progress finally. Also bts in Puma outfits makes me wanna die. That's all.

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