ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 38

17 2 24

"When are you coming home?" Jimin sighed at the question and looked over to Hoseok who was practicing a sharp movement that he was trying to perfect. He already felt guilty that he hadn't left yet and the sun had already been down for about two hours meaning it was about eight at night. "Give me an hour love." He said and earned a hum in response before the call ended sharply. 

"Everything alright?" Hoseok asked and Jimin let out another sigh giving the elder his answer. "What's wrong?" He pressed beginning to pack his dance bag. Jimin followed his actions and shoved his things messily into his own duffle bag. 

"Jungkook and I's schedules are just clashing a lot more now. He has more things to do now and since I get home later we don't see each other much." Jimin explained and his best friend nodded in understanding as he slid the strap onto his shoulder and adjusting his hoodie. "Take a day off dear."

Jimin shook his head in disagreement as he locked the door to his personal studio and shoving the key into the pocket of the duffle bag. "I would just be sitting home alone. It wouldn't change anything." He explained again and tugged on his hair in stress as he walked beside the flower back to the car. 

"You guys will be okay." Hoseok assured simply because he had nothing else to say advice wise and Jimin acknowledged that. The car ride was quiet and Jimin ended up walking into the apartment a half hour before he had told Jungkook that he would get there. 

"Honey I'm home." He sang brightly and laughed at his own silliness before walking further into the house to find Jungkook on the couch snuggled underneath a blanket in the corner of the couch. "Kookie?" 

The younger turned and looked over at Jimin before turning back to look at the TV that wasn't playing anything. The screen was just slowly transitioning in and out of different pictures filled with memories of the two of them and occasionally old images of their other friends. "Why don't we see them anymore?" Jungkook asked focusing on a picture that faded onto the screen. 

It was a picture of Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok fast asleep on one of Jin's couches intertwined with one another with smiles plastered across their lips even in their sleep. Jimin's eyes focused on it before setting his bag down and slowly walking into the living room to sit on the couch. 

"We all got busy beautiful. Yoongi and Taehyung don't even live in Seoul anymore." Jimin explained with a soft voice and Jungkook looked over at him with glossed over eyes. Jimin could recognize the tears building in his eyes so he reached forward to pull him over to cuddle the younger one against him. He ran his ringers through the others hair as he comforted him. 

"I don't like it." He voiced and Jimin could feel his heart break at the tone of his sentence that ended with a voice crack. "I know I don't either. We can try to reconnect with them during winter break." The older of the two suggested and he smiled when he felt the younger's head nod in agreement to his idea. 

Jimin jumped slightly when a loud sob escaped his fiance's mouth and he began violently shaking whilst aggressively wiping his face to get rid of his tears. His heard broke at the sound and he squeezed his arm around the boys shoulders tighter. "Shh baby it's okay." 

"They left me."

Jimin bit harshly against his bottom lip to contain his own sobs provided by his heart breaking at Jungkook's irrational thoughts. 

"Jungkook look at me." Jimin demanded with a soft voice and used his thumbs to push the love of his life's face up to meet his eye line. His heart continued to shatter when he was faced with the broken facial expression of his lover. 

"None of us has left you and none of us are going to leave you. I promise." He said keeping his voice low and Jungkook slowly nodded. He childishly held up his pinkie finger and held it up to Jimin's face. Jimin returned the gesture and intertwined their fingers before placing a kiss on their fingers.

"I love you Jimin."

"I love you too Jungkook." 


I'm not going to explain what's going on with Jungkook completely but it's pretty easy to figure out if you pay attention. Hint : It's in the previous chapter. 


- Rose 

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