ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25

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Sooooooo, excuse my language for like a quick second. A bitch fucked up thoroughly when I was writing one of the chapters explaining their grade levels and stuff. So we're just going to pretend for the sake of me not having to go back and find all the specific areas where I messed up their ages. Jin and Yoongi are graduating together due to Yoongi graduating early. Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin are all going to graduate together next year. Jungkook will graduated two years after that. Got it? Good!


"Kim Seokjin." The man announced loudly into the microphone just in front of his lips and Taehyung jumped into the air with two pans held tightly in his hands. He moved his arms quickly to bang the two objects together and yell loudly with Namjoon who held a pan and wooden spoon in his own. Jimin yelled and clapped loudly with Jungkook who stood bouncing with excitement beside him.

After Jin moved off stage the group of boys took a seat again and returned to silence. However, the actions were repeated again once Yoongi's name was called through the speakers. After Yoongi found his seat again the boys sat down again as well with a calm demeanor and acted like they weren't just slamming kitchen appliances together and screaming at the top of their lungs.

After the long and overdrawn ceremony was over the small group piled into Jin's SUV and were talking loudly about different things that happened as he drove. "I can't believe you guys brought pans." Yoongi said in disbelief and chuckled at the end of his statement. Taehyung raised the pans to his boyfriend's ear and banged them loudly causing Jin to yell and swerve the wheel to the side. "Taehyung stop." Jin yelled as he composed himself and switched lanes to get off the freeway.

The rest of the car ride was filled with loud conversations covering several different topics. The pairs that were speaking to each other ended up yelling over other pairs causing the volume of the car to skyrocket. Once Jin parked the car he ordered everyone out before the engine was even quiet and the vehicle stopped rumbling. Unapologetic laughter filled everyone's ears as they moved out of the car.

Once everyone was settled inside of the apartment and in comfortable clothes rather than the uncomfortable formal wear they had on for the ceremony. "Butterfly can I wear your hoodie?" Jungkook asked as he bent over to pull the extra clothing item out of the duffle bag Jimin had packed. Jimin hummed in agreement before turning his attention back to Hoseok who was setting up just dance for everyone while he yelled about their summer class they planned to go to in the US.

"Hoseok you have to calm down everything will be fine." Jimin said trying to rationalize with the older as he continued stressing over absolutely nothing important. The blonde's head turned up at Namjoon's tall figure as he walked past the couch he was sitting on. "Drink." He demanded and watched carefully as Hoseok took the glass from his hands and chugged half of it down.

Jungkook's hands slid around the back of the couch and onto Jimin's shoulders causing the older to smile brightly at him. He eventually made his way onto the couch and sat down underneath Jimin's legs using his fingers to rub delicate paths along his thighs. They sat quietly like that simply enjoying one another's company with the boys straggling in and out of the living room until Jin and Yoongi finally decided to join them again.

"Alright are you guys ready to drink?" Jin asked suggestively as he held the several plastic bags from the car high above his head and Yoongi followed his actions with a bright gummy smile erupting across his face. A string of yeah's chorused through the room and the group followed the two graduates into the kitchen where the counter already had cheap plastic shot glasses and red solo cups.

"Jimin my dear prince would you like your usual?" Jin asked holding up the bottle of watermelon vodka and wiggling it side to side with a raised eyebrow. A hum of agreement vibrated in the boys throat and Jin unsealed the bottle before pouring it into the red solo cup and mixing sprite with it before handing it over.

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