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22 1 6

"You did what?" 

Jimin laughed as he rolled over in the bed to push his face into the material of his pillow. He sighed softly before rolling again to look over at his best friend that was standing up in shock. He was standing up with wide eyes and spilled coffee pooled around his sock covered feet. Taehyung's eyes were wide in shock as he stared at the boy laying across his bed. 

"He just kissed me." Jimin said slowly and sat up in the bed to focus his attention further on Taehyung's reaction. "I heard you I just can't believe it." He responded and bent down to pick up the coffee cup as he silently cursed to himself about spilling the substance across the floor. Jimin laughed as Taehyung peeled off the socks he was wearing that were slightly stained in coffee. Once Jimin finished watching his best friend struggle to clean up his mess he began talking again. 

"We were just sitting in the field against the tree and I was letting him look at the painting and then we started talking quietly and then he kissed me after saying my happiness radiates to the people around me."

Jimin jumped as the result of being scared half to death by a high pitched squeal that had emitted from Taehyung's body as he sat down casually on top of his bed. "What the hell was that noise?" Jimin asked with a small laugh at the end causing Taehyung to glare across the room at him. 

"I'm just excited my little Jiminie is getting the boy he likes." Taehyung said excitedly as he bounced on the bed like a small child which caused Jimin to laugh through the pout that was etched onto his face. "You're gross."

For the rest of the morning the two best friends sat around on their beds simply gossiping as if they were teenage girls back in high school talking about their first interactions with their crush who sat next to them in math. 

"We should go get breakfast and then buy presents" Taehyung decided as he tossed a long sleeve across the room to Jimin who had his arms outstretched waiting for the clothing item to get to him. "Sure is it snowing?" Jimin asked sliding the material over his head and down his torso. After shuffling across the room Taehyung used his fingers to pull open the curtains to reveal an overcast setting and a semi thick layer of snow sticking to the ground. "Yep."

Jimin nodded and adjusted his turtle neck before bending down to reach into a box filled with scarves and pulled out an extra long black scarf. He wrapped it around it neck a few times before wrapping an end around his face. He grabbed his black trench coat and slid it on over his shoulders before adjusting his scarf again. 

"You should not look that hot." Taehyung complained and pulled his beanie on over his head and then pulled up his mask. "Tae shut up." Jimin wined as he pushed his wallet into his back pocket before reaching for his phone to pick it up and hold it in his hand securely. 

Taehyung laughed and pulled Jimin by the sleeve out of the dorm and away from the door so that he could lock it and prevent any sort of robbery. Jimin paused as he felt the phone in his pocket buzz and pulled it out to answer and push it against his ear. 

"Hello?" Jimin sang into the phone and he watched Taehyung struggle with his key. 

"Hey pretty, what are you doing today?" 

Jimin's eyes widened in confusion as his brain struggled to pin point the deep voice speaking to him through the static due to the poor reception in the dorm building. "Oh! Kookie I'm going to get breakfast and go Christmas shopping with Taehyung why?"

The pair began walking together through the dorm as Jimin listened to the rustling on the other end of the phone. It sounded like a pencil or pen tapping against the desk before Jungkook took in a breath before responding. 

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