ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 24

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Jungkook watched with loving eyes as Jimin's head tipped back as his eyes creased into crescents of happiness while he laughed at some stupid joke that Taehyung made. The group of boys were patiently waiting for Namjoon to finish changing his helmet to one that had a clasp at the bottom that worked. Once he returned to the group it was decided that Jungkook would go through the obstacle first considering he was the most athletic within the group. 

"I believe in you love." Jimin yelled up to the platform where his boyfriend stood and waited to hear the loud laugh fall down to his ears. Once the loud whistle blew all the boys watched his thin frame weave in and out or over all the challenges presented to him. He bit at his lip in concentration and refrained from looking down to his boyfriend and getting distracted. 

A loud voice crackled through the intercom above them announcing the time he took to complete the path quickly before the crackle disappeared and only re appeared to state the times of the others as they ran through the course. 

"I'm tired." Taehyung wined loudly and Yoongi used his hand to pinch at the boys sides causing him to jump. He pouted of his lower lip only to have Yoongi tap it lightly with the tip of his finger and say a high pitched "boop" which caused an unaware Jimin to jump and spin around in confusion. 

"Too high pitched." He complained with a pout and walked over to their lockers to pull his pair of vans out and slip them on over his socks refusing to untie them and retie them if he didn't have to. Namjoon slapped his heavy down on Jin's shoulder as he followed the group into the parking lot towards their big SUV which caused Jin to groan out in pain and turn to smack the other in his chest with an open hand. 

"Where should we eat?" 

"I'm going to cook." Jin said sternly and smiled contently when the engine of the car roared to life. The rest of the boys piled into the open seats of the car and settled in comfortable for the long drive back to the apartment Namjoon and Jin shared.

Jungkook's ring clad hand found its way to the comfort of his boyfriends and his thumb rubbing against the soft skin of the back of his hand. Jimin turned his head to look over at the contact and he responded with a light squeeze to the others hand before returning to a normal feeling. 

"Did you have a good day?" Jimin asked softly as he shifted his body so he could lean his head against the taller mans shoulder that was surprisingly comfortable considering how skinny he was. Jungkook hummed in response as his eyes remained trained on the rings covering Jimin's small hand. "What are you looking at?"

"Your rings, they're pretty." Jungkook mumbled quieter than Jimin had spoke considering that Hoseok was now fast asleep next to him with his head leaning against the window. Jimin laughed softly at the comment and wiggled his fingers around in Jungkook's embrace. 

"The one on my thumb represents you." Jimin admitted slightly guarded in case Jungkook reacted negatively. Jungkook's eyes followed the ring that wrapped around Jimin's finger in what seemed to be the shape of a snack but it was just a twisted silver band. It was simplistic but enticing. "Why?"

"It's simple but beautiful, like you." He explained and laughed again as he felt Jungkook's hand hit his chest lightly. He knew what he had said was incredibly cheesy but he didn't really care in the moment because he wanted to get his point across. The car stopped moving and the hum of the engine cut off along with all the lights inside the car coming to life once the doors were opened causing the boys in the back to groan in annoyance. 

"I was just trying to sleep." Taehyung wined as he reached above him to stretch out his back before pushing the car door open to get out. "Sorry babe next time i'll leave you in the car to sleep all night on your own." Yoongi said, his voice heavy with thick sarcasm as he walked slightly behind the other towards the door to the apartment building. 

The rest of the group followed in a daze of sleepiness and Hoseok collapsed down onto the couch in the living room before falling back into a heavy sleep while cuddling a pillow. Jimin laughed quietly at the scene as he dragged his fingers over the back of the couch. He whimpered in surprise when Hoseok's hand flung up to grab his wrist to stop him from leaving. 


"Cuddle with me, Kookiecrumble too." Hoseok whined and pouted in attempts to break Jimin. Jimin's defense had cracked the second the boy had said Jungkook's adorable little nickname he had given him. Jimin laughed and pushed his shoes to the side before climbing over the back of the couch to sit against the side and let Hoseok find himself a comfortable position against him. Jimin yelled in protest when he felt a slipped hit the top of his head. "Stop climbing over the back of my couch bitch." Jin said grumpily and disappeared into the kitchen again.

"Are we cuddling?" Jungkook asked as he toed off his shoes and pushed them to the side of Jimin's before walking around the couch and shoving himself into the situation comfortably by some type of miracle. Eventually the trio fell into a comfortable sleep intertwined on the couch. 

"Hey Jin come look at this." Yoongi said softly as he leaned against the door frame from the kitchen to the living room with a glass in his hand filled with red wine. Jin and Namjoon walked over with their own glasses to look at whatever had caught Yoongi's attention. 

"Honey I don't need to stare at your boyfriend sleeping on my coffee table, again." Jin commented watching with amusement as Taehyung turned and readjusted his head on the pillow he dragged from the couch onto the hard surface. "He's like a cat I swear to god."

"No these three." Yoongi said redirecting their attention to the couch a few feet over where the three boys were sleeping comfortably. Jimin was sitting up against the arm rest with Hoseok laying down resting his head against the boys thighs and one leg draped over his. Jungkook was laying behind Hoseok with his arm over the others waist. 

"I swear since Jungkook joined their team those three have become peas in a pod." Jin commented before walking away to go check on his pot of food that was boiling on the stove. Namjoon stayed next to Yoongi as they continued to watch the interaction. "Do you think Hoseok has feelings for either of them?"

Yoongi finished his sip of wine before turning to look at Namjoon with his head cocked to the side in judgement at the question directed towards him. "Definitely not, we've seen him in love. It doesn't look like this. This is pure friendship." Yoongi explained and finished the remainder of his wine and held the base of the cup in his hand protectively. 

"I'm glad they found each other, they're all soulmates."


"Taehyung stop throwing noodles." Jin yelled in annoyance and picked up a noddle that tapped his cheek and slipped it into his mouth and chewed it up. Taehyung's deep laugh echoed inside the kitchen where the dining table was and Yoongi swatted him with a napkin before placing it back down onto his lap. 

"We need to talk about graduation." Namjoon commented as he looked over to Jin who nodded in agreement due to his mouth being full of noodles. "Are we going anywhere?" Jimin asked after taking a drink of his glass of water to help clear his throat.

"I don't really want to honestly I just want to get drunk." Jin said with a shrug and Namjoon snorted and choked on the liquid he was trying to swallow. He struggled to get the substance down before coughing out the pain. "It's that point in the year?" Namjoon finally asked forming together his words. 

"Yep. Yoongi does too." He said and pointed his fork over at the boy that was smiling against the rim of the glass. 


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