ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23

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Hey guys sorry for making you wait ! Don't hate me....

"Mom I'm fine." Jimin chuckled loudly as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the edge of his desk only a few inches away from his laptop. He used a hand to comb through his hair as he watched his mothers slightly blurry face move closer to the camera on her phone that she barely knew how to work. "And how is my baby Jungkook?" 

Jimin laughed again and pushed his hands against his cheeks to push the blush away before she could notice what her words had caused. He turned his head away to look out of the doorway of his bedroom to listen for soft footsteps padding around in the living room. "Jungkook!" He yelled and his mom jumped before cursing at him for not warning her first. 

Her bright laugh continued getting louder and Jungkook ran down the hallway with a panicked expression. His socks caused him to slide into the carpeted barrier between the wood halls and the bedroom and he fall forward. Jimin's chest erupted with laughter as he doubled over in the chair. His small frame shook with laughter as he stumbled up from his chair to help his boyfriend up from the ground. 

"Why did you yell so panicked?" He asked breathlessly after he regained his composure and then left out a panicked scream as he noticed the woman moving around on the computer screen. He used his hands to cover his exposed nipples and glared over at Jimin which resulted in another loud laugh from both Park's in the room.

"I hate you." Jungkook mumbled angrily as he took steps to approach their shared closet and yank the door open with fake anger. He pulled one of Jimin's larger shirts off of a hanger and pulled it on over his head. "Hey! That's my shirt." Jimin complained and pouted his bottom lip out and his lover laughed at his silliness. 

He walked over to the shorter boy and pushed his slightly chapped lips against the older's forehead. Jimin jokingly pushed him away and went back to sit in the chair in front of the desk followed by Jungkook who leaned over to wave into the camera. 

"Hello Kookie." She greeted with a warm smile and waved back. "Hi Mrs. Park." 

"I'm going to go feed Honey now, bye love." Jungkook said with purpose and kissed Jimin's barefaced cheek before quickly scurrying down the hall again but cautiously to avoid falling again. Jimin shook his head slowly with amusement and laughed softly before turning back to his mother. 

"I love you Jiminie I'm glad you found him."


The cold silk sheets on the bed flung forward off of both bodies occupying the bed as Jimin's small frame shot up out of his sleep. The boy beside him groaned loudly as he rolled around on his back to turn away from the disturbance of his slumber. Jimin's eyes furiously looked over the dim room with panic as he attempted to recollect himself. His chest collapsed in on itself as he let out an involuntary sob and he curled his knees up to his chest as he used his hands to push his back against the wall. 

"Mom." He whispered to himself as he continued to let out strong choked sobs into his folded arms. His legs and arms felt like they were protecting him from everything around him. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" A husky but familiar voice asked. Jimin slowly lifted his head to look up at his boyfriend that was propped up against his elbows with one eye open. Confusion was openly dancing across his face due to him being mostly asleep still. 

"Mom." Jimin whispered out again considering that was the only word he could muster out from all the crying taking away his energy. Jungkook pushed himself upwards and leaned against the wall behind the bed and used his hands to pull Jimin onto his lap. He slowly guided Jimin's head onto his exposed thighs and ran his fingers through his tangled hair. 

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