ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12

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The soft dimming sunlight beams seeped through the cracks in the curtain covering the window and danced across surfaces across the room. The light danced across Jimin's face as he slept quietly against Jungkook's lap. Fingers raked through his dry hair and occasionally the tips of Jungkook's fingers would dance across his forehead to smooth over the creases of what appeared to be a stressful dream.

As hours passed the two remained in the same position against the wall in complete darkness. Jungkook fell into a light sleep but would wake back up when feeling Jimin shift around lightly on his lap. The door to the dorm swung open and a sea of artificial yellow light poured into the room behind the silhouette standing in the doorway. "Jimin are you home?" Taehyung whisper yelled and tapped against the wall to turn on the light switch causing the room to illuminate causing Jungkook to flinch in response to the light.

Jimin's eyes tightened and he subconsciously rolled over and pushed his face into Jungkook's stomach. He shifted slightly to adjust to the feeling of the boy's nose digging into his stomach. "Shh." Jimin whispered softly and placed his hand on Jungkook's thigh. His nose twitched before he fell back into a deep sleep. "Jungkook?" Taehyung asked looking across the room to the pair. Jungkook waved his hand with a half smile and watched Taehyung set down his backpack next to his desk.

"Why're you guys on the floor?" Taehyung whispered as he kicked his shoes off and slid down the wall to sit beside Jungkook. He looked down to watch Jimin's sleeping face and noticed the tear stains across his cheeks and chin. Taehyung whimpered at the sight and rubbed his thumb against Jimin's cheek before moving his hands back to his lap and folding them together.

"What happened?"

Jungkook let out a soft sigh as he rubbed his fingers across Jimin's forehead before looking back up at Taehyung."He said today's the day that his mom died." Jungkook explained and Taehyung's eyes widened as he reached into his back pocket to pull his phone out. He pushed his thumb against the home button and waited for the screen to light up. "Fuck I should've been here." Taehyung said with an annoyed voice and tugged on his hair lightly of frustration.

"Tae don't beat yourself up about it you had class." Jungkook reasoned and the man slowly nodded his head before letting out another sigh.

"I'm glad you were here for him Jungkook." Taehyung said quietly and ran a thumb over Jimin's cheek again and leaned his head back against the wall eventually letting his head slide down onto Jungkook's shoulder as he fell asleep.


Jimin's eyes fluttered open as his cheek was hit with warmth and light. He rubbed his thumbs against his eyes to wipe the crusted over gunk from sleeping causing him to cringe at the rough feeling. His head turned to the side and he looked around the room with confused eyes. His ear rubbed against the rough material of jeans underneath him and he cringed again.

He used his hands push his body off the floor and sit up straight. He noticed Jungkook sitting against the wall with his head resting on top of Taehyung's as they were both sound asleep. Taehyung's legs were tugged against his chest and his head was resting against Jungkook's shoulder. Jimin slowly stood from the floor and rubbed his scalp aggressively out of discomfort.

He pulled his shirt from the day before off his body before opening a drawer to grab his shower tools and walk out of the dorm to the shower room. He sighed in happiness at the fact that the room was empty and pushed his jeans and boxers off his body before stepping into one of the shower stalls. He shivered under the cold water until the heat reached the water.

He hummed to himself as he washed his body and scrubbed his hair before getting back out of the shower. It didn't take long for him to dry his body and mentally cursed himself for not bringing new clothes into the bathroom. He wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back to his dorm grateful that he hadn't passed anyone considering how early it seemed to be.

He changed into a new pair of jeans and a hoodie before walking to the mirror to examine his appearance. Jimin's eyes were ringed in dark circles and the skin around his eyes were puffy from crying the night before. He sighed and decided to put his glasses on in attempts to cover his imperfections.

Jimin took one last glance at the two boys sleeping against the wall still and grabbed his backpack before slipping out of the dorm as quietly as possible in attempts to not wake them up. He pushed his headphones into his ears and began walking across campus towards the dining hall. The plan wasn't to buy food it was only to purchase the largest and strongest coffee he could find before walking across the rest of campus to reach the dance studio.

"Good morning." The woman behind the counter smiled and only nodded not giving his usual greeting causing her smile to falter slightly. She nodded as he gave her his order and paid without a word.


Jimin let out a broken gasp as he attempted to regain his breath. He held onto his chest and slowed his movements down to a stop as he closed his eyes. He slowly took air in through his nose and pushed it out between his swollen lips but struggled to keep it stable. Each breath was shaky and unstable filled with stress. He sat down on the center of the floor and pulled his legs up to his chest.

His panic was broken once a loud ring sounded throughout the room nearly scaring the man to death sending his heart into more unsteady panic. He pushed himself off the ground and walked across the cold room to grab his phone. He slid his thumb across the screen without reading the name and pushed his phone against his ear.


Hoseok's voice broke through the quiet crackling of the phone call and causing Jimin to flinch and pull away from the phone for a second not expecting the loud volume. "Jimin, where are you?" He asked and Jimin stayed silent for a few seconds before responding.

"It doesn't matter." Jimin spoke in a harsh yet quiet tone and hung up the phone before Hoseok could respond. He plugged his phone back into the aux cord and pressed play on the same song he had been dancing to for over five hours.


I'm sorry the chapter was a bit short but the next one will hopefully be a bit longer and maybe a little more fluffy Jikook rather than angsty. Sorry for the last chapter I was in a mood when I wrote it and it was a lot more sad than I intended. It was meant to be something Jimin was beginning to move past butttttttt I changed my mind. Oh well.

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