ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 31

7 1 10

"My babies." The oldest of the group cooed and pinched at the thing cheeks of the youngest in a mocking gesture of an excited mother. His ring clad hands swatted at the cold hands constricting his cheeks in weird ways causing him to chuckle in amusement. "Jiminie." Another voice squealed causing him to spin around on his toes and get smacked straight in the chest with a strong body and arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Hi Taetae." Jimin responded and his best friend responded with a bright laugh and squeezed against the older's waist one more time before finally letting go. He walked away leaving Jimin to notice he was now alone in the entrance to Jin's apartment. His hair bounced on his forehead before he pushed himself off his heels and wandered into the kitchen.

A bright smile molded his cheeks into happiness as he watched the already chaotic situation unfolding in the too small kitchen. Namjoon was arguing with Jin loudly while holding a straw and an onion flailing his arms around and Jin was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Yoongi was sitting with his legs cross at the stool in front of the counter with a bottle of beer in his hand openly cringing at each swig and Hoseok was standing at the stove scraping the pan with a spatula, the noise being drowned out by the yelling and music playing. Jimin could hear the two youngest of the group in the living room yelling at one another with Mario Kart music playing loudly.

"Tired of alcohol Yoongi?" Jimin asked with a soft laugh and took a seat on the stool next to his hyung and rested his elbows against the cold surface of the table. His skin became bumpy from the goosebumps that arose as he pushed down harder with his head resting on his palms. The older chuckled and bit his lip before sliding the bottle away from him leaving only a quarter of it finished. "Honestly yeah."

Jimin laughed against and turned to look into the kitchen to see the boys still struggling to cook dinner before looking back at his friend. "We all drink a lot." He sighed and received a nod in agreement.

"It was how we coped."

"It's still how we cope." Jimin corrected and unrolled one of his fingers from under his chin and pointed to Yoongi in a taunting way. He tilted his hair towards the boys finger and his blonde hair slid off his forehead for a second before returning to his place when his head moved back. "I'm tired of coping like this."

Jimin reached forward and picked up the bottle that his friend wasn't going to finish and tipped the cold glass against his lips and let the liquid fall down his throat and into his empty stomach. "At least someone in this group is getting better." He said before tipping the bottle back around with a finger pointing up to emphasize his point.

After another hour of struggling and nearly burning the apartment down there were seven plates of food set down on different surfaces in the living room. The boys were spread around the living room on the floor and couches. The pairings were set up different due to how they had settled down previously. Jimin was nestled comfortably in the the corner of the love seat with his legs extended onto Yoongi's thighs with the older's plate resting unevenly on his shins. Taehyung was sitting on the floor sitting behind the coffee table with Jungkook on his side and Hoseok on another end of the table. Jin and Namjoon were obviously cuddled up with one another on the other couch in the room.

It was Yoongi's night to choose a movie and he ended up putting Divergent in the DVD player for everyone to watch while they ate. Dinner was finished quickly and the plates were stacked on the coffee table completely clear of the food. By the time the group got to the third movie only Jimin and Yoongi were awake but Jimin's eyelashes were fluttering against one another pulling him to sleep before he jerked upwards to keep himself awake.

"Lets go outside." Yoongi stated and softly pushed Jimin's legs off of his own and lead the pathway out to the kitchen and through the sliding doors to walk onto the balcony that came with the apartment. Jimin followed behind slowly immediately waking up as the cool breeze hit his exposed arms. He smiled at the small metal table with two chairs behind it with a fake plant acting as a center piece. Both boys took a seat and the blonde pulled his phone out and played a soft piano melody to fill the silence.

"Why are we out here?" Jimin asked softly and leaned into the chair to make himself comfortable on the balcony. The other let a soft sigh escape his throat before he leaned his head back and left it rest on the top of the chair behind him.

"I want Taehyung to move in with me, but I don't want to take him from you guys." He admitted shamefully and closed his eyes willing his shameful blush to simmer away. Jimin laughed causing the older to turn his head and open his eyes with eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yoongi, you're not taking him away he's in love with you. It's not like you guys are moving to America it's only a 45 minute drive from here and its his hometown. Just ask him." He argued and the blonde sighed before falling into a fit of laughter not realizing how dumb his worries sounded.

"Everything is going to be okay."


Did ya'll really think they were gone? Who do you think I am?

This was just a filler and some platonic Yoonmin because why the hell not?

See ya in the next chapter !

- Rose :)

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