ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18

17 1 0

Every pair of eyes within the four walls of the dorm turned towards Jimin who was still laid out across the couch biting his lip in concentration. A soft sigh left his throat and he used his hand to push his body up from the couch and into a sitting position.

"What type of endeavor?" He asked looking to Namjoon as he was the one to suggest such a conversation. His eyes danced with thought before giving everyone in the room a bright smile. "The worst." He responded and Taehyung nearly fell from his seat in laughter as Jimin's eyes widened.

Jimin's eyes flicked towards Taehyung in a glare. "Calm down Tae yours is worse." Taehyung's delightful laughter silenced at the mention of his impending story. He raised his hand to flip his finger in a rude gesture causing Jimin to laugh before leaning back into the couch.


"Please Jiho" The voice whined causing a loud groan to leave the boys lips before turning towards the source of the sound. A pout was drawn into the boys features and his eyes held a pleading emotion. "No."

The Jimin rolled onto the boys chest with the dark blue blanket wrapped around his body contrasting his pale skin falling from his shoulders exposing his chest. The boys hands found Jimin's waist keeping him in place but nothing suggestive in his attachment.

"Why not?" He whined again causing the boy below him to blow frustrated air out of his mouth and up to his forehead that pushed any stray hairs away from his forehead. "Jimin I said no." Jiho pushed blandly erasing any sense of playfulness from before. "Just tell me why." The boy pleaded and Jiho let out another sigh of frustration and biting his lip to attempt to suppress comments.

"Because I don't want to with someone I don't love."


"And that is my fun little story of the day." Jimin concluded and rubbed his slightly shaky hands against the material of his pants before letting himself fall back into a position of laying across the couch and the two boys seated on it. Taehyung's laughter filled the room as he held onto whatever was near him which happened to be Yoongi to keep himself stable on the couch. "Why are you laughing?" Jungkook asked suddenly as his fingers found their comfort in Jimin's hair again.

"Sorry I was thinking about my story." Taehyung lied letting his eyes flicker about the room in attempts to get Jungkook's oddly strong gaze off of him. "Then you go next." Jungkook pushed and Taehyung sighed. Jimin's body shook and Jungkook looked down worried only to find him covering his face and laughing hysterically at the mention of Taehyung's story.

"Shut it." Taehyung snapped and leaned forward to tell his story.


The comforter on the bed slid down off the sides of the mattress as the boy moved to throw his leg over the other boys lap. His ass was pushed down on the thighs of the boy underneath him and he used his hands to support himself with the others shoulders. 

"You're so slow." Taehyung complained as he rested both of his hands against the waist of the boy straddling. Taehyung let out a yelp as he felt the other bight the side of his neck in annoyance against him. He raised a hand to hit the other in the shoulder but cringed at the sound of skin slapping together. "You're annoying." He complained but used his mouth to suck harshly on the pale skin of the boy's neck. His tongue swiped over the area before he pulled his mouth away and blew air against it softly causing goosebumps to rise on Taehyung's skin. 

"Jackson." Taehyung basically whined causing the other boy to chuckle in amusement at his exterior breaking. In retaliation, he moved his hips upward to grind up against the other man's groin causing a moan to move itself out of both of their throats. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A loud groan left Taehyung's lips as he pulled away from Jackson and shifted to move him off of his waist. "I'll be back." He said slowly as he reached to grab his t-shirt off of the arm rest of the couch and pulling it on over his head. He pulled open the front door as he entangled his hand in his own hair to attempt at fixing his messy hair. His eyes widened in surprise and stress as he stared at the person in the doorway. 

"KwangHoon." Taehyung said slowly and stared at the black haired boy standing in front of him with a bright smile holding a box of movies and food from a takeout restaurant he knew Taehyung loved. "Hi baby." He smiled and walked forward to kiss his boyfriend on the lips, either ignoring or not realizing Taehyung's shock. He simply pushed past the boy standing in the doorway with complete content until his walking came to a stop once he saw a half naked man laid out across the couch in the living room. 




"Ironically they're married now." Taehyung laughed with a small amount of bitterness inside of it causing Yoongi to reach over and rub his leg comfortingly. "Already? That's so young."  Namjoon commented biting at his bottom lip in thought more than judgement. Everyone else occupying the room nodded in agreement.

"I think that's enough for today." Jin commented and everyone else agreed considering how heavy the air in the room had gotten. 


Jimin groaned loudly and rolled over onto his stomach before lifting his head up to look at the boy that was talking to him. The younger boy was squatting down with his hands resting on the surface of the mattress to his bed that Jimin was occupying. Jungkook laughed quietly at the reaction before poking the older's cheek causing him to hum in annoyance. 

"We're not having another movie night." Jimin argued and glared over at the younger who was watching him with bored but intrigued eyes. The younger sighed and fell onto his butt knowing that the conversation was going to take longer than he had imagined. "Well what do you want to do then? All the boys are busy tonight." He asked watching Jimin's eyes flicker around in thought before his hand dropped face first onto the bed with a loud groan. 

"Anything but that." He responded but it was muffled due to his face being pushed against the surface he was laying on. Jungkook laughed and reached out to rub his hand against the top of the others head. "Let's go paint then." He said and Jimin pushed himself off the bed with an excited expression. After laughing again he pushed himself off the floor to grab his art supplies. 

As the two walked through the dorms they stopped at Jimin's dorm to grab his supplies as well after arguing that he didn't want to use Jungkook's. It wasn't in an attempt to be rude he would just feel guilty for using up the other boys tools. After getting into Jimin's car Jungkook told him several directions of where he wanted to go. The darkness of night was seeping into the car through the windows causing the interior of the car to be submerged in comforting darkness. 

"Do I park here?" Jimin asked and Jungkook responded with a short yes before looking back out the window at the stars and the moon.

"What are we painting?" Jimin asked as he fell into step with Jungkook who had walked ahead of him after he had gotten out of the car first. 

"Each other." Jungkook responded and glanced over at Jimin before looking forward again. 

So hey guys!

I know it's been a couple days, I'm sorry I've been a bit too busy to finish writing the chapter buttttttt here's the update and I'm going to go write the next chapter right after this. In the next chapter the author's note is going to be a bit longer cause I have some things I want to share with you guys.

- Rose 

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