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You guys like the new cover?


Buzz. Buzz.

Jimin let out a soft groan and rolled over in his bed cringing at the loud creak it made. He kept his eyes shut and smacked his hand against the bedside table to grab his phone that someone was trying to contact him with. He didn't bother checking who was calling before he swiped across the screen to answer. "Hello?" Jimin asked groggily as he let out a yawn.

"Are you busy?" A soft voice asked and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows not sure who was talking and slowly opened his eye to look at the caller I.D. It was Jungkook. "No what's up?" Jimin asked using his free hand to push his body up from the soft mattress. He sat up with only one eye open slightly blinded by the sunlight shining in through the window.

Jungkook let out a short nervous laugh before responding to Jimin, "would you be able to come help my with a dance?" He asked and Jimin ran a hand through his hair to fix it slightly. "Sure give me like twenty minutes." Jimin said in agreement and Jungkook gave a quick "okay" before the call ended.

Jimin stood from his seated position and stretched his arms out above his head letting out a groan as his spine made a cracking noise. He noticed Taehyung's body still occupied the bed across the room and he smiled at the ball he was rolled in with a thin blanket covering him.

Jimin turned on the shower and striped his clothes off to get inside. He sleepily reached for the shampoo to use it on his hair and let out a small yell of pain at the liquid came into contact with his eyes. "Fuck." He cursed setting the bottle down and opening his eye under the water to get rid of the liquid.

After struggling in the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and wrapped wandered into the room towards his closet to grab something comfortable to wear.

"Well good morning." The voice behind Jimin greeted and he nearly jumped ten feet in the air not knowing that he was awake. Taehyung let out a deep laugh due to his voice being coated in sleep still. "Morning." Jimin responded pulling a sweater out of his closet and a pair of ripped jean.

Taehyung shoved his nose in his phone as Jimin finished getting ready. He pulled on his still damp hair to position it in an acceptable way before walking to grab his phone. "Where are you going so early?"

"Jungkook needs help with a dance and we have competition next weekend." Jimin explained pushing a ring onto his finger while simultaneously shoving his earbuds into his phone. Taehyung nodded before turning his attention back to his twitter.

Jimin sighed before picking up his keys and walking out the front door to their dorm. He waited for the beep of the lock before putting in his headphones and walking across the nearly vacant campus. It was still early for it being a Saturday when most students were still hung over from the night before so not many people were around for Jimin to awkwardly avoid on his walk to the studio.

Once he arrived he couldn't hear music as he normally would with people practicing inside. He assumed Jungkook was the only one around but was confused by the silence.

Jimin knocked softly on the practice door before pushing it open to find Jungkook staring at himself in the mirror with music playing softly. It was a song Jimin didn't recognize. He became more concerned once he noticed the red and patchy appearance of Jungkook's skin. An all too recognizable appearance.

"Jungkook are you okay?" Jimin asked and Jungkook's head shot up. His messy hair bounced at the force and Jimin took a step back suddenly overwhelmed by the intense focus on him from Jungkook's eyes. The younger simply nodded his head up and down before rubbing his thumb under his eye to remove a tear as he walked towards the speaker. "No you're not."

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