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The past couple hours had been a blur for the uni student. 

The plane ride was long and exhausting, the passenger besides her using her as a pillow from hour 2 on wards.

Getting off the plane was a relief as she shimmied past the man besides her in a rush to get away from his presence. She then made her way to baggage claim,  after getting her luggage she tried to get outside to catch a cab, only to get knocked on her ass by a crowd of teenagers. 

'There must be some celebrity here of something', (Y/N) thought to herself as she got up, dusting off her clothes and picking up her luggage, making her way outside.

A few metres away, Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally were making their way through the airport, occasionally stopping for some fans.

Lauren froze when the smell of apples and perfume filled her nose. It was so rich and strong it took over her senses as she searched for the origin. 

She whipped around, scanning over the heads of her fans to find a girl picking herself up off the ground, everything else fading out around her. 

It wasn't until she felt a hand grip her shoulder to keep her moving forward did she snap out of the daze. 

She looked over at Dinah, Normani and Ally, eyes flickering slightly from their vibrant green to a royal red, causing the girls stop in their tracks, locking eyes with their alpha. 

Their security stopped again, allowing Lauren time to spin around looking for the girl. Her scent getting weaker. 

Finally she caught sight of the girl walking through the automatic sliding doors, exiting the airport. 

Acting quickly, Lauren began pushing her way through the fans around her in an attempt to follow the girl. 

Once she finally broke through the crowd she broke into a sprint, heading towards the doors her mate just exited. Security guards yelled behind her telling her to come back but she ignored them and kept running.

Once she finally got outside she frantically looked around, trying to track the scent only to find it ended at the curb. Most likely having got into a cab. 

Lauren gripped her hair as a low growl rumbled through her chest. 

An hand soon gripped her arm spinning her around. Lauren's eyes instantly flashing to their royal red at the unknown person . 

Once she was turned she came face to face with Dinah who was looking concerned, sliding sunglasses onto her alphas face. 

"Chill dawg, someone's gunna see." Dinah whispered to Lauren. 

"I lost her D, what am I going do?" Lauren asked. Dinah just shook her head. "I don't know Laur, but we need our Luna." She said before turning around and making her way inside again, Lauren following behind her.

A few hours later (Y/N) had finished her tour of the campus, not that she'd remember anything, and was now in her dorm room. 

She hadn't met her roommate yet and she was kinda hoping she didn't have one. She'd never been the best at making friends and the thought of new people gave her anxiety. This whole thing gave her anxiety. 

Suddenly the door to her dorm swung open and a girl with purple hair wearing a bralette with a see-through shirt and high-waisted jeans walked in.

At first the other girl didn't notice her presence, leaving her standing there awkwardly, but once the girl made eye contact and a smile spread across her face, she acknowledged the girls presence by screaming, "NEW ROOMIE!" While running over to hug her. 

(Y/N) was left standing awkwardly, her hands trapped by her sides as the girl hugged her and rocked her from side to side. 

"Uh, hello..." (Y/N) spoke. 

"OMG, you're you're British? Australian? Doesn't matter! You're literally so cute I can't get enough of it!" She said, finally letting go of the girl. 

"Umm, yeah. I just got here from Australia. I haven't even been here a day." (Y/N) said as the girl took in her appearance. 

"Well then we gotta celebrate. Come on, get dressed we're hitting the club!" She said, unzipping (Y/N) suitcase as she began looking for an outfit for the Australian.

"Club? I can't get into a club, I'm only 18." (Y/N) said, highly confused by everything going on.

"I can hook you up with a fake ID easy." She said, throwing clothes at the Australian. "Put these on." She told her, sitting on the bed as she waited. 

"What's your name?" (Y/N) asked as she began to change. 

"Oh right, pft How could I forget, my names Brittany, you can call me Britt." The purple haired girl said. 

"Well okay, Britt. And how am I getting into this club again?" (Y/N) asked. 

"Don't worry, I got access to the computer labs and all that tech, I just need a photo and we're good." Britt said.

"Well okay then, lead the way." (Y/N) said, deciding to go along with it. It was obvious Britt had a bit of experience in this department and knew more than she did about this area of expertise. She looked like she could handle herself and like a usual party goer.  What's the worst that could happen? 

A few hours later (Y/N) and Britt were inside some random club. They were having a good time dancing in the middle of everyone when a guy came up, grabbing (Y/N) by the hips, another going behind Britt.

While Britt didn't seem to mind, grinding with the new guy, (Y/N) did, attempting to slide the guys hands off her hips. The man tightened his grip, pulling (Y/N) into him, his groin pressed firmly into her ass.  

Swinging around (Y/N) shoved the guy in the chest making him let go and stumble back a few steps. She quickly turned to Britt and yelled over the music telling her she was getting a drink. 

The guy following her as she made her way to the bar. 

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked. "Water please." (Y/N) replied as the man from before stood next to her. 

"Actually make that 4 shots of tequila." He told the bartender. The bartender shot a look at (Y/N) as she shook her head, just wanting the water.

"So, you come here often?" He asked, making (Y/N) scoff at how unoriginal he was. 

"Really? That's the best you can do? Whats next, did it hurt when I fell from heaven? Well no. But! It did hurt when I broke through the earth's crust ascending from hell." She said, desperately wanting to get rid of the guy.

The guy chuckled, "feisty, I like it!" He said, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes. Can't he take a hint?\

As (Y/N) tried to get rid of the guy, Lauren, Normani, Ally and Dinah pulled up in a limo outside the club and made there way in. 

Once inside Lauren was hit with her scent, telling the green eyed girl she was here. But where? 

Lauren didn't waste any time searching the club. As she stood on the dance floor making her way through the sweaty bodies she caught sight of a girl walking outside the club with a guy following close behind. 

This didn't look good. 

Pushing her way through the sweaty bodies and followed in the direction they went. Once outside tracing the sent to the alley besides the club. 

The guy had a hold of the girls wrist as she was backed up against the wall, staring him down. Her jaw was clenched as her eyes pierced his and her eyebrows knitted together in anger. 

She watched as the guys other hand made its way to her waist as the girl tried to free her hand from his grip.

"Hallo!" Lauren yelled, walking closer to the pair of them. 

'This should be interesting', Lauren thought to herself as the guy looked over at her, a sinister smirk covering his face.

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