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'Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope!' (Y/N) thought to herself as Dinah snarled above her.

She could feel Dinah's hot breath fanning her face, causing her to turn her face to the side.

"Dinah let's rethink this. Please! It was a dare, challenge! Whatever the hell you want to call it! I'm sorry okay?!" The Australia screamed, trying to move further away from the large wolf looming over her, Dinah's saliva now dripping onto (Y/N)s cheek.

Her chances were diminishing to nothing. She didn't know how to change, how to trigger her shift. Fuck, the first time hurt like hell and took her 15 minutes. If it took that long again she shouldn't even bother.

As if realising there was no way for her to escape by herself, (Y/N) started screaming for the one person she knew would always be there for her.

"Lauren! Lauren help me! Fuck, Lauren please!" The girl yelled, tears starting to escape her eyes as fear took over all her sense, Dinah snapping her jaws and barking at the girl to stop.

She obliged to the wolf's commands. She knew Dinah was I control here. She was tiny compared to her. The wolf's paws nearly two times bigger than her hands, and they were pinning her to the Forrest floor.

She could feel Dinah's claws pressing into the skin of her biceps, not that there was any muscle there, but it hurt.

Leaning down, Dinah got close to the girls face, her cold nose pressed into the girls cheek as (Y/N) cried out.

Leaning down applied that little extra pressure, causing the first of Dinah's claws to pierce the girls skin.

Suddenly, a shadow flew across (Y/N)s face, her face contorting in pain as Dinah's nails dug deep, sliding slightly before her weight was gone.

Opening her eyes, (Y/N) found Dinah pinned beneath the large black wolf she'd been calling for. Ally, Normani and Camila racing through the trees to where the 3 wolves were.

'How far had Dinah chased her?' (Y/N) wondered. Ally crouching beside her as she looked at her arms, the Australian slightly flinching back at the contact.

She watched at Camila and Normani tried to calm the two wolves, to get space between them.

It was too late for that, Lauren striking first as she launched herself at the tri-coloured wolf, her claws digging into Dinah's side as she bit down on Dinah's shoulder, missing her jugular.

It was an all out brawl, Normani and Camila standing helpless as Ally raced over to the wolves. (Y/N) sat frozen.

"Fuck, we can't do anything. Normani, Ally, take (Y/N) back to the house, clean her up. I have to stay here. I'll try to help, stop it somehow. I'm the Beta, surely I can do something..." Camila told the two girls as they nodded and helped their Luna to her feet.

The last thing (Y/N) saw was Camilas shredded clothes flying everywhere, a large brown wolf standing in her place.

Once at the pack house, Ally cleaned and bandaged (Y/N)s wounds. She hadn't said a word, her cheeks stained with dirt, saliva and tears.

Normani brought a cloth up to her face to clean off her cheeks, (Y/N) staring at her lap as she picked at her fingernails.

Why couldn't she do it. Lauren and Dinah did it, Camila did it in less than 5 seconds.

Why was it so hard for her?

"You good?" Normani asked, (Y/N) meekly nodding her head as an answer. Normani sighed and looked over at Ally worriedly.

"They'll be fine, (Y/N). You don't have to worry. There probably out there right now, laughing at it." Ally said reassuringly. She hadn't wanted to admit just how bad 'wolf fights could get.

Soon, the back door slid open and (Y/N) jumped up, knocking her seat to the floor as she flung her arms around Lauren's neck. She was naked and covered in dirt and blood, she didn't have any bite or claw marks from what (Y/N) could see.

Lauren tightened her hold on the Luna's waist, breathing in her scent. She felt so guilty about the whole situation.

She had followed the two in no hurry, she remembered hearing the cries and beginning to pick up her pace, soon breaking into a sprint as she shifted into her wolf form. She remembered the scent of her mates blood, filling all her senses as she saw red, their  figures finally coming into view as Dinah loomed over her mate. She just snapped.

As they held each other for dear life, Dinah and Camila slid into the house as Ally and Normani embraced them in hugs. Dinah looked like she had seen better days and Camila, Ally and Normani looked disappointed.

Ally smacked the tall Polynesia up the back of the head, her and Normani giving their mate a lecture. "You idiot, she's the Luna. What were you thinking?!" Ally chastised, Normani supporting her mate as Dinah looked down in shame.

Lauren lead her mate out of the kitchen and upstairs, guiding them both towards the bathroom.

Helping her mate out of her clothes, Lauren helped (Y/N) into the shower so she could wash the dirt, blood and grime off the both of them. She also didn't want the Australian out of her sights right now, which was understandable as (Y/N) didn't want the Cuban out of hers.

They held each other under the hot water until Lauren took a step back  and began washing her mates body. She could smell Dinah all over her and she hated it. She should be the only scent on her mate, no one else should get that close.

Once they had both washed and helped each other wash their hair, Lauren helped (Y/N) out of the shower, wrapping her in a towel before (Y/N) fell back into her embrace. She just wanted to be held and feel safe. She felt save in her Alphas arms. Not like before with Dinah.

With Dinah, she felt weak. Insignificant and small. She hated that feeling and Lauren helped her to feel the opposite.

"Thank you..." (Y/N) mumbled into Lauren's chest as the Alpha stood there naked, her arms tightening their hold on the Luna.

"Don't thank me. Don't ever thank me." Lauren whispered, pressing a kiss to her mates temple and they held each other close.

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