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(Y/N) woke up in a sweat, quickly removing herself from Laurens hold as she bolted out of the room and to the nearest toilet.

Making it just in time, (Y/N) threw up, again, this time a mixture of the water Lauren had made her drink and stomach acid. 

Her throat burnt like crazy as she threw up until she was left dry heaving over the toilet. 

Lauren woke to an empty bed and heard her mate vomiting. Sighing, she quickly jumped off the bed and to the bathroom where she found (Y/N) over the toilet, resting her head on the seat.

"Hey Baby, you good?" Lauren asked, receiving a shake of the head from her mate as (Y/N) began to cry.

God being sick made her so emotional and she hated it. Lauren just wrapped her arms around her crying mate, trying to comfort her. 

At the contact she could feel her mates temperature rising, 'not good', Lauren thought.

'Ally, bathroom now please.' Lauren mind linked to the older girl, hearing foot steps soon after.

"Whats up Laur?" Ally asked as (Y/N) cried into her mates chest.

"Uhhhh..." Lauren said, not really knowing what was wrong herself. "I think her temperature is worse and she threw up again. I don't know anything else, she hasn't said anything..." Lauren decided on saying.

"Damn, let me get the thermometer." Ally said rushing out of the bathroom, returning shortly with it in hand. 

"(Y/N), open your mouth so we can check you temperature." Ally told the younger girl causing her to turn her face more into Lauren's chest as she cried. 

Sighing in frustration of not only being woken up at 3:42 am, but having a non-cooperating sick girl. Ally thought for a moment and told her, "either you open your mouth and let us take your temperature that way, or you'll be over Laurens knee with me putting it somewhere else."

This only caused (Y/N) to cry harder. Everything was hurting, literally. It was like growing pains but 10x worse. Her legs and arms were aching, her stomach was cramping, her headache was worse and her throat was burning from the stomach acid. 

Suddenly (Y/N) felt herself being lifted up slightly by Lauren causing her to cry harder, if possible, into her chest. She didn't want Ally to do THAT. 

"Please (Y/N/N), just open your mouth so we can take your temperature or we won't have a choice..." Ally told her, giving her, her last chance. 

(Y/N), who was clinging to Lauren's shirt as much as she could, slightly turned her head to Ally and opened her mouth a tad, just enough to put the thermometer in. 

She held it under her tongue for a minute before it started beeping.

Ally took it out and sighed while looking at it. "106.7ºF..." Ally said, looking at Lauren who sighed as well. 

(Y/N) didn't say anything. She didn't know what it meant but if it was bad before this must be worse. Turning her head back into Laurens chest (Y/N) cried until she ran out of energy and fell asleep.

"What's wrong with her Ally?" Lauren asked, looking down at the girl in her arms. 

"I don't know Laur but this can't keep going on. If it gets higher she'll probably die. You need to make a choice..." Ally told her standing up as she made her way to the door. 

"What's the choice?" Lauren asked slightly panicked.

Ally sighed and turned around. "Turn her or take her to a hospital. I have a feeling the second option won't help much though, maybe give her a little more time. I don't know what happening Laur but it's not good. If she was a 'wolf I could help her but she's not, she's human." Ally said, turning around and walking out.

Lauren just looked down at her mate. "I can't choose for you...' She mumbled, finally getting up with the Australian in her arms as she walked back to their room. 

Laying her down on the bed, Lauren slipped out of (Y/N)'s grasp and mind linked to the pack, 'everyone outside now, Ally you go back to bed, you've helped enough.' She said before making her way outside.

After a few minutes of standing in the cold morning air, Normani, Dinah and Camila made their way outside half asleep. 

"What's up?" Dinah asked yawning. 

"(Y/N) sick." Lauren told them seriously.

Camila looked concerned but Dinah spoke first, "so? Get Ally to look at her, she the salutary."

"I did, she can't help Dinah..." Lauren told her, causing all girl to look at her concerned. 

"So what does that mean?" Camila asked worried.

"It means we have to make a choice. Ally gave me two options, take her to the hospital, which she doesn't think will do anything but give her more time.... Or change her." Lauren told them all, receiving wide eye'd expressions from them.

"Laur she could die!" Camila exclaimed.

"I know Camila but she's already dying! What other choice do I have?" She asked them, desperately wanting them to give her an answer, another alternative. 

She received none. No one knew what to say, how to answer her question, opting to look at their feet and shuffle awkwardly instead.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Lauren spoke up, "alright then, I guess it's settled. I'll talk to (Y/N) when she wakes up and we will go from there..." Lauren told her pack, walking back inside to check on her mate soon after.

Upon walking into the room Lauren was met with a shivering girl who was cured up under 3 blankets. She could see the sweat dripping off her forehead and hear her teeth chattering from the door.

"I can't choose for you..." Lauren mumbled again, filling the silence with her voice. "I just can't..." 

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