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(Y/N) softly nudged her sleeping mates cheek with her nose, huffing as the Alpha continued to sleep. 

Letting out a whine, (Y/N) flopped back onto the bed with Lauren, burying her face into Laurens black fur.

Lazily, after a minute, Lauren slung a leg over her mate, pulling her closer before inhaling her scent.

The large wolf let out a whine of waking up, her chest rumbling as a fact. It wasn't until she peeled her eyes open to look at her pregnant mate that Lauren didn't care if she was still tired.

Looking down at (Y/N), (Y/N) sent Lauren her best puppy dog face, her large blue eyes shining. 

Lauren nuzzled her cheek before licking her mates fur a few times.

Stretching her limbs, Lauren begrudgingly got up from bed and shifted before stretching again.

(Y/N) admired her mates physique before getting up her self and padding over to her. 

Hanging her tongue out, (Y/N) looked up her her mate as Lauren was taller while she was sitting in her wolf form.

Lauren smiled at her pup of a mate as scratched her mates fur. "Good morning pup. Have a good sleep?" Lauren asked, kissing the wolfs head. 

(Y/N) replied by standing on her hind legs and licking Laurens face before nuzzling into her neck. her fore paws resting on Laurens shoulders as Lauren wrapped her arms around her mate for a hug.

She couldn't have been happier that her and (Y/N) moved past their distant stage. She understood (Y/N) had a lot of things on her mind but it hurt her with the minimal contact while her mate pushed her away.

"I love you so much." Lauren stated into the fur of the Australians neck, kissing it a few times before removing herself from the hug.

"Come on, let's go brush our teeth." Lauren said as she made her way to the bathroom, (Y/N) following her like a lost puppy.

After Lauren brushed her teeth, she sat in front of the blue eyes wolf with a new toothbrush. "Smile!" Lauren said, giving her her biggest smile as (Y/N) reciprocated it.

 "Smile!" Lauren said, giving her her biggest smile as (Y/N) reciprocated it

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Lauren laughed at the sight of the white wolf smiling. It was caught between adorable and heart melting.

The next five minutes, Lauren attempted to clean her mates teeth while they stole some kisses

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The next five minutes, Lauren attempted to clean her mates teeth while they stole some kisses. 

It wasn't until (Y/N) batted away Laurens hand three times, did Lauren give up on brushing her teeth.

"Alright, fine. Time for breakfast. Deer sound good?" Lauren asked as (Y/N) looked at her cautiously.

"I'll semi cook it. I know you can't look at blood babe." Lauren said without sparing her a glance while walking down the stairs. 

(Y/N) let out a low growl. That wasn't her name.

"What?" Lauren asked, stopping mid way down the stairs to face her mate. 

(Y/N) glared at her and pushed her way past Lauren on the stairs. That wasn't her name.

"Baby what's wrong?" Lauren asked concerned, causing (Y/N) to growl again. That wasn't her name.

"Princess? Queen? Love of my life? My beautiful mate?  Luz de mi vida?" Lauren called, walking after the white wolf.

(Y/N) glowered, sitting on the couch as Lauren knelt in front of her. 

Threading her fingers into her mates fur, Lauren played with (Y/N)'s hair while pouting. 

'What's wrong, my love?' Lauren linked.

'That's not my name Lauren Mitchelle!' (Y/N) barked angrily. 

Lauren leaned back slightly at her mates outburst. 'What is your name?' She asked smiling.

'Pup, (Y/N) or (Y/N/N). I will not accept any other terms of endearment to come out of your mouth, and I do not want to here my name or nickname from your mouth either. Those are strictly for other pack members aside from Luna or Aus.' (Y/N) said sulkily, turning away from her mate.

"Awwww, I'm sorry pup. My beautiful, beautiful pup who is the luz de mi vida." Lauren cooed, patting her mate.

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile and perk up at the name. No matter how mad she was moments before hand.

Lauren called her pup!

Hanging her tongue out, (Y/N) sat happily enjoying Lauren running her fingers through her fur. 

Lauren smiled at her mate, her pup. Her big pup who was carrying her little pups. Pressing a final kiss to her muzzle, Lauren stood up and walked across the room to the kitchen to make them some food. 

She watched her mate and smiles as the meat sizzled on its low heat below her.

She watched her mate and smiles as the meat sizzled on its low heat below her

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(Y/N) looked back at Lauren, keen on her food. She was hungry. She was, after all, eating for one and some pups. 

Once Lauren had finished getting their food, She sat on a pillow on the floor next to her mate, (Y/N) happily eating her deer off a plate as she ate her bowl of fruit.

She smiled as her mate ate all the deer quickly before watching Lauren, silently begging for a piece of pineapple but she knew that wouldn't happen.

Lauren shook her head as her mate stared at the bowl of fruit. Smiling, she stabbed a piece of mango with her fork and held it out to the wolf who happily ate it. 

Smiling after finishing her mango, (Y/N) waiting for Lauren to finish her own breakfast happily before attacking her with kissed.

"Ba- pup stop!" Lauren whined while laughing. 

Listening to her mate, (Y/N) stopped kissing her face but remained on top of her, proceeding to lie down on her mate.

Lauren watched lovingly, Hugging the fluffy pup close as she kissed her mates cold nose. 

"Don't ever leave me..." Lauren whispered, receiving a huff in reply to her plea as (Y/N) nuzzled into Laurens neck. 'Never', filled the silence of their minds.

As her mates scent filled her senses, (Y/N) closed her eyes and enjoyed the tingles of their contact, Lauren running her hand up and down her mates furry back.

She would never get use to this.

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