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"Lauren I'm going out! (Y/N) called through the house early in the morning as she slipped on Laurens leather jacket by the door.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked from behind her, causing the Australian to jump slightly. 

"Jesus Laur, a little warning next time." (Y/N) said, covering her heart with one hand.

Lauren just looked at her curiously with big green eyes. 

"I'm going to Uni, I've missed orientation week and classes started a few days ago." (Y/N) told her mate who wrinkled her nose at the thought of University.

"(Y/N) you can't go to Uni today... Or for a while. Maybe you should drop out..." Lauren told her cautiously.

"What? Why not? I'm not just dropping out Lauren. Do you know how much money it cost to get here. I'm going to be working for the next 10 years to pay back this loan!" (Y/N) told the Cuban, getting more angry by the second.

Staring into her mates blue eyes, Lauren knew she needed to defuse the situation quickly, calmly talking to the Australian. 

"Because Pup, You're a 'wolf now and you need to learn how to control yourself. Your emotions are heightened and I don't want you hurting someone." Lauren explained.

"I'm fine Lauren, you're not my mother and I can make my own choices. If I can fly across the world to another country I think I'm more than capable to go to class." (Y/N) huffed, opening the front door before walking out, Lauren right behind her. 

"Pup, listen to me. I know you can do it but right now, with the full moon a day away, you can't go to Uni. Your emotions are haywire and you're prone to lash out at someone. Right now is a perfect example, because as much as I love your blue eyes, you can't go flashing them around at people." Lauren tried again.

"I can't miss Uni Lauren!" (Y/N) yelled, getting extremely frustrated at her mate.

"You have to! Why won't you listen to me (Y/N), you could kill someone! Do you understand that?!  You're a new wolf and you don't know how to control yourself and deal with your heightens emotions and senses. Just, I don't know. Defer for 6 months or something!" Lauren yelled, red eyes glowing, Alpha tone growling.

 (Y/N) whimpered a little at Lauren, slightly scared. While Laurens words had no power over her, she was still scary and got through to the girl, (Y/N)'s eyes reducing to there natural (Y/E/C) colour.

"Sorry Lauren, I've just worked a lot to get here. I have a loan of $25,000 dollars wracked up on top of my HEX bills. I can't just defer for a year, there's too much riding on this." (Y/N) explained her situation.

"Fuck the loan (Y/N). All I care about is you and the possibility of you hurting someone or yourself. I'll pay off the loan, I'll pay for you to move all your stuff here from Australia. You're stuck with me forever now and I'm not risking you walking into that University to come out in handcuffs and covered in blood." Lauren told her mate, pulling her close and she hugged her tightly.

"If you're that worried I'll defer for 6 months, but I'm going back for the second half of the year Lauren. I mean it." (Y/N) told the Cuban, melting into her embrace as she rested her forehead against Laurens neck. 

"We'll talk about that in 6 months." Lauren said, causing the Australian to roll her eyes. "Come on, let's go inside." Lauren said, guiding her mate inside only to have (Y/N) pull back. 

"No I want to go to the University today and defer. I also need to go get my stuff out of my dorm, I'm out of clothes and can't wear yours forever." (Y/N) said as Lauren rubbed her temples.

"Not today (Y/N), lets just go inside and go back to sleep for a while." Lauren told her mate.

"I'm serious Lauren, I want to go and sort this out today. If I don't do it before census date I'll get charged by the Uni." (Y/N) said, starting to get angry again.

"(Y/N) don't start this now, I'll send one of the girls to do it. Let's just go back to bed."

"Lauren!" (Y/N) yelled, why wasn't she listening to her, (Y/N) thought, blue eyes shining brightly.

"Okay, okay." Lauren mumbled, walking over to hug her mate tightly to her chest.

"Come on Lauren." (Y/N) said, squirming in Laurens tight hold a bit.

"I'm sorry." Lauren mumbled.

"Wha-" (Y/N) went to asked, feeling a prick in her neck as she began to feel drowsy. 

Turning around (Y/N) came face to face with a guilty looking Camila. Bring her hand up to her neck, (Y/N) looked at the needle in Camila's hand.

"W-what did you do?" (Y/N) slurred, looking back at Lauren as she began to stumble slightly, Lauren reaching out to hold her steady.

"No! Don't touch me Lauren!" (Y/N) yelled, her eyes flickering from their normal colour to their vibrant blue.

"Don't touch me..." (Y/N) mumbled as the world faded around her and Camila caught her before she fell.

Lauren stood back in shock.

"Lauren?" Camila asked, snapping Lauren out of her thoughts as she put on a hard face.

"Take her to my room and get Ally to check her. Use the half inch steel chains to lock her up. She's  not leaving before the full moon." Lauren said, turning on the heel of her foot once Camila understood what to do.

Walking around the side of the house Lauren turned the corner, out of Camilas sight, and let the tears fall from her eyes.

Closing her eyes and taking a breath, Lauren heard (Y/N)'s voice echo in her ears; "No! Don't touch me Lauren!"

"Fuck..." Lauren mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

This was going to be hard. Not just for Lauren and (Y/N), but for the rest of the pack also. The Alpha and Luna's emotions affected all of the pack after all. 

Standing back up straight, Lauren furiously wiped her cheeks to get rid of the tears. She had to be strong. Now more than ever. With her other half out of action she had to take control again.

Walking inside Lauren was met with Dinah, Camila and Normanis hushed whispers.

"Lauren, what happened?!" Normani asked.

"Don't worry about, I'm sure Camz will fill you in anyway. Now I'd like you and Dinah to go to (Y/N)'s university and apply for her deferral of the next 6 months and to get her stuff out of her dorm." Lauren spoke, leaving no room for discussion.

Dinah and Normani nodded quickly, rushing out the door to do what their Alpha instructed while Camila sighed, walking upstairs with the bag of chains.

That left Lauren standing in the middle of the lounge room, alone. She ran her hands over her face and pushed her hair back.

They all knew she wasn't fine, she knew she wasn't fine.  

"No! Don't touch me Lauren!... Don't touch me..." 

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