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(Y/N) and Lauren both felt guilty for the days events. 

Somehow they managed to get off the bathroom floor and have dinner. Now, Lauren was knelt on the outside of the bathtub as (Y/N) sat in the soapy water, enjoying Laurens hands in her fur.

Throughout her adventure, (Y/N) got covered in dirt, mud and leafs, leaving Lauren to bathe her. 

Picking out another leaf from the white fur, Lauren chuckled and added it to the pile.

"You're a mess." Lauren laughed.

'In all three aspects...' (Y/N) sent over the mind link, causing Lauren to send her a confused look.

'Mentally, physically and emotionally...' (Y/N) linked after seeing Laurens confusion.

Shaking her head, Lauren continued to wash her mate. "You're not a mess. You're just confused like me. We're in uncharted territory and its all new. We may not know what we're doing sometimes but we will always have each other." Lauren told her.

Tears filled the wolfs eyes as she whimpered, Lauren immediately getting concerned for her mate as she looked up from the patch of fur she was washing.

"What's wrong pup?" Lauren asked quickly, running her soapy fingers behind her mates ear.

Instead of answering, (Y/N) bowed her head and avoided her mates eyes. 

Lauren was quick to stand up, ignoring the fact she still had her clothes on, and stepped into the tub to sit in front of her mate. The warm water pooled at Laurens waist and she pushed her mates face up to meet her eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked again.

(Y/N) pushed her forehead against Laurens, reveling in the comfort her mate provided before speaking.

'I don't deserve you... You've done nothing but care for be and I've fought you at every turn... I love you so much so I don't understand why I continue to hurt you...' (Y/N) linked to her mate, confessing her feelings.

"You don't do it on purpose. You challenge me and support me and that's what I love about you. You bring out the best in me and while we fight sometimes, we always make up. I love you so much as well and I know this is all new for you. Werewolves, being a werewolf, mates, pups, moving into a house together... being a mother and a Luna..." Lauren said, pausing as she collected her thoughts and took a breath.

"But you've been strong and resilient though all of it. Honestly, I'd be mad if we didn't fight a little over all of this. I'm just glad you stayed. That you survived and you're here. That you're with me and are carrying my pups, my babies. So thank you, my beautiful pup." Lauren said, kissing the wolfs snout.

(Y/N) nuzzled close to Lauren after her little speech, eventually lying down in the bath and resting her head in her mates lap. 

Lauren smiled at the sight, combing her fingers through her mates fur as she continued to wash the other 'wolf.

(Y/N) let out a content sigh at the feeling of her mates fingers in her fur. It was like running her fingers through her hair in human form if not better. 

After another fifteen minutes, Lauren was finished washing her big puppy of a mate and climbed out of the tub in her wet clothes. 

(Okay, you guys know the showers like the one below? That have no door and are all tiles? That's whats chillin in the bathroom besides the big ass bathtub that they just used.)

Stripping from her clothes, Lauren walked into the shower with the sound of nails clicking on the tiles following her

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Stripping from her clothes, Lauren walked into the shower with the sound of nails clicking on the tiles following her. 

She smiled knowing (Y/N) was following her and sure enough, not ten seconds later, (Y/N) was laying in the shower at Laurens feet as the brunette washed herself.

Throughout Laurens shower, (Y/N) would occasionally nip at Laurens heels for attention or lick the water off her calf.

To Lauren, this was perfect.

Drying herself off with a towel, Lauren put on a pair of boxers and a bra before drying her mate off with a towel and the using the blow dryer.

Lauren laughed when (Y/N) tried attacking the blow dryer as Lauren dried off her face. The hot hair wasn't nice...

Now, cuddled up in bed, (Y/N) laid between Laurens legs with her head on her mates stomach, Lauren patting her mate as she looked through social media.

(Y/N) waited for Laurens attention before she realised she wasn't getting it soon. 

Letting our a huff, (Y/N) lifted her head and not so gently, dropped it back down, hitting Laurens groin and lower stomach. 

Laurens phone was long forgotten after that as she curled onto her side the best she could with her mate between her legs. 

Cupping her groin, Lauren groaned in pain as (Y/N) whimpered her apology, slowly crawling up Laurens body to lick her mates cheek.

Using one hand, Lauren held (Y/N) close as if to tell her it was okay, regardless of the pain she was in. "Holy shit (Y/N/N)..." Lauren groaned with tears in her eyes, still semi rolled over with her face pressed into her pillow. 

(Y/N) whimpered again, trying to apologies. She hadn't realized it would hurt that much...

After a few minutes, Lauren rolled back over as (Y/N) laid her head on her chest this time, still laying between her legs. 

"Was that an accident or on purpose?" Lauren asked the she-wolf. 

(Y/N) looked away from Lauren and let out a huff and grumble.

"Why would you do it on purpose?" Lauren asked, somehow understanding her mate.

(Y/N) used her paw to hit Laurens phone which laid beside them. Lauren rolled her eyes lovingly at her mate. 

"You're so stupid sometimes. But I love you." Lauren said. Hugging her mate like a big teddy bear. "And you're fluffy!" Lauren laughed, messing with the white fur as (Y/N) whined and pawed her to stop. 

It turned into a little play fight, Lauren making sure not to actually harm her mate or the pups in anyway as she messed around with her mate.

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