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"No!" (Y/N) yelled again, cutting Lauren off. "It's hurts Lauren. I get it's easier in the long run, but I'm carrying babies and I don't want something to go wrong.

"There my pup's too." Lauren argued.

(Y/N) sent her a warning glare. "Babies Lauren. They're babies!" The Australian declared. Lately she'd hated Lauren calling then pups. Perhaps it was partly because (Y/N) was the only one she wanted Lauren to call pup, but it was wrong to be jealous of your still growing babies.

Lauren softened at that. "Pup I wouldn't suggest it if there were a chance the babies could be hurt. This will make it easier for you and them. Please trust me on this." Lauren persuaded.

A tear rolled down the Aussies cheek, "I'm scared, Laur..." she whispered, her mate instantly pulling her into a hug to comfort her.

"I know, pup. I am too..." Lauren confessed. "But the worst is over. This time it won't be as bad and won't take as long. Five minutes tops, I pinky promise." Lauren swore, latching her pinky onto (Y/N)'s before kissing her mates forehead.

"Okay, Laur. I trust you." The (Y/H/C) squeaked out.

"Alright, Ally what next?" Lauren asked, turning to face the smaller girl.

"You shift. If you're still worried, (Y/N), Mila will be shifting in the next few days also. Maybe you can shift together?" Ally suggested.

(Y/N) rapidly nodded her head at the suggestion. Anything that would give her a little more time.

She was thankful Camila was also pregnant during this time. While she was sympathetic towards the girls banana problem, Camz was sympathetic towards (Y/N)s pineapple problem. The two girls understood each other.

(Y/N) had never been more thankful of her mate now that Camila was back in the pack. They hadn't known each other excessively long, but the Australian was closest to the young Latina and she was thankful for their friendship.

While she knew she would always have Lauren, it was nice to have someone else to talk to and hangout with that understood what was happening.

The cramps, swollen feet, cravings, kicking, mood swings, morning sickness and having to pee every five seconds is something none of the other girls had to deal with.

Sure that had to get the food and deal with a snappy mate, but they didn't know the half of it and (Y/N) hated them for it, well, not Camz or Lolo.

"Great! Mila, the girls and I will be around in a few days!" Ally cheered, placing a kiss on her Lunas cheek before hugging her Alpha. "I'll see you then!" Ally called before walking out of the house.

"Pup you shouldn't put this off." Lauren said.

"I not putting anything off, Lauren. You heard Ally. In a few days I'll shift with Camila." The Australian dismissed before waddling out of the room. She had gotten bigger, and the more she grew the more scared she got. How many babies were in there?

"You can't run away from your problems, (Y/N/N)." Lauren said, following her.

"I'm not running away from anything, Lauren!" She snapped back.

"Sure doesn't seem like that..." Lauren confessed, both girls stopping in the hallway before (Y/N) turned to her mate.

"What's that supposed to mean?" (Y/N) asked.

"It means you're literally walking away from me. This morning was the first time you'd kisses me in weeks, (Y/N). You barely let me touch you and we haven't done anything since we conceived our pu- babies..." Lauren said with a sigh. "I feel like you're pushing me away..."

Those last seven words hit her the most. Had she been pushing Lauren away? She hadn't meant to. Sure, on some level she despised Lauren for having done this to her, but she still loved her.

"Laur- I didn't mean too...." (Y/N) said with tears quickly filling her eyes as she looked at her defeated mate.

"I'm so sorry, I'm such a bitch, Laur!" (Y/N) said, sobbing into her hands at her realisation.

Lauren was by her side in a flash, holding her mate up so her knees wouldn't give out. "It's okay, pup. It's okay.... Let it out, baby." Lauren cooed, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she rubbed the other girls lower back. (Y/N) was always complaining about her back.

After an hour of crying, (Y/N) and Lauren were finally cuddled up in bed together, the Aussie curled up on her mates chest as Lauren rubbed her back with one hand and played with her hair using the other.

"I love you..." (Y/N) croaked out, her voice hoarse from the crying.

"I love you too, pup." Lauren replied, kissing the top of her head.

Soon after that, (Y/N) drifted to sleep and Lauren soaked in the warmth of her mate, it was good to have her back in her arms.

Pulling the pregnant she-wolf closer, Lauren drifted off soon after.

A few hours later, Lauren woke up to a cold bed and empty arms. "Pup?" Lauren called.

"I'm peeing!" The she-wolf called. Lauren chuckled to herself, of course she was. Why was she so worried?

Lately, worrying had seemed like her job. (Y/N) rarely wanted her help and was certain she was still 100% able to take care of herself. No matter how many times Lauren tried to help her up and down the stairs.

After hearing the toilet flush, Lauren waited for her mate to come back to bed, and soon enough, out waddled the (Y/E/C) eyed girl.

"Come on, pup. Let's catch a few more hours of sleep." Lauren mumbled, opening her arms as (Y/N) shuffled back under the covers.

Pulling her close to her chest, Lauren breathed in her mates scent and kisses her head. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you." Lauren whispered.

"Goodnight baby, I love you too." (Y/N) said, cuddling into the Alphas chest as they both drifted back to sleep in each others arms.

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