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Lauren woke up panicked to a cold and empty house. Her mate nowhere in sight.

Jumping out of the bed, Lauren searched for her mates scent and found her self at the back door. 

She immediately shifted into her wolf form and ran through the trees as she followed her mates scent.

Why would she leave the house? It had only been a few days since the last incident.

Following the trail, Lauren came to a small cave on the border of her and the girls property. Inside she found her mate lying on the dirt and relief washed over her as the Australians white fur gleamed in the moon light.

Slowing from her sprint, Lauren began to trot into the cave, startling the pregnant she-wolf from her thoughts.

Once she knew she was no longer alone, (Y/N) turned defensively, growling at the intruder.

Lauren paused her trot, hesitantly looking at her mate before bowing her head and neck in submission.

(Y/N) accepted the submission from Lauren as she warily watched the other wolf.

Lying on the dirt, Lauren crawled slowly to her mate. Once she was close enough, she then slowly nudged the white wolfs paw while pushing her ears back cautiously. 

(Y/N) snarled her teeth slightly before sniffing the other wolf, determining this was in fact her mate.

Once realization washed over her, she relaxed and laid down with Lauren, Lauren presenting her with a lick to her cheek before nuzzling and scent marking her mate. She could barely smell herself on her mate past the nature and it bothered her immensely.

Once she was finished scent marking the other wolf, Lauren laid down next to her and wagged her tail, (Y/N) huffing at her excited mate.

It wasn't until another wave of pain washed over the white wolf and she turned away from her mate, that Lauren began to worry again. 

Lauren was quick to her paws, nudging her mate for information as she grew more concerned.

When the pain dissipated, (Y/N) sent the black wolf a reassuring look while nodding her head.

This was it. Lauren could feel it, she could smell it.

Laurens tail began to wag faster. This was it!

Lauren attacked her mate in a series of kisses as she was overwhelmed with happiness and an an urge to protect her mate.

Her mate was in labor and at her most vulnerable. She had absolutely no way to protect her self or her pups and it was now all up to Lauren.

Her wolf insticts where in overdrive during this time. She needed to protect, comfort, help and love her mate now more than ever.

And while she knew she needed to call Ally, call members of her pack, her family to help. Lauren couldn't help but to think about the possible threats they posed and almost refused to let anyone near her mate.

It wasn't until another wave of pain washed over the Australian, did Lauren snap out of her thoughts and rush to comfort her. (Y/N) pleading for help that Lauren could not provide. 

She knew then that she didn't have a choice, that she needed her pack doctor.

Once the pain eased, Lauren took two quick steps back before lifting her head and sending out a long howl, signalling their location.

Once the howl died out, she was quick to stand next to her mate, sending her support and love while remaining on high alert.

It wouldn't be long until someone showed up and she needed to determine if they were friend or foe.

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