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"Laur?" (Y/N) asked as she laid across the other girls chest. 

"Yes beautiful?" Lauren responded, running her fingers though the Australians hair. 

"I can't stop thinking about this dream or vision I had a few days ago..." (Y/N) mumbled causing Lauren to momentarily stop playing with her hair before continuing her actions.

"Well, what was it about beautiful"? She asked.

"Well at first it started off like most of my other dreams. 

I stood in a large clearing with the woods surrounding me. It was night time and I couldn't see to much until the moon came out. When it did I saw a wolf slowly approaching.

At first I thought it was you. You were always in my dreams, standing strong and making me feel safe... it wasn't you though.

This wolf was big and radiated the same power and strength you do. It made me uneasy. Its fur was pure white and the moon reflected off it in the darkness making it easy to see..." 

(Y/N) paused but Lauren didn't push, she waited patiently for her to continue.

"It did like, a little huff while staring at me and hit its paw on the ground 3 times. It was like it was trying to tell me something. 

That's not what bothered me though.

When I was looking at the wolf I saw the shadows move to the right of me and I saw a flash of green. I immediately knew it was you and I was happy because I thought you'd protect me but..." (Y/N) stopped, hesitating.

After a minute or two when it seemed like she wasn't going to continue, Lauren spoke up, "but what baby?" She asked.

(Y/N) sighed, "but when I turned to see you, you were mid air, jumping at me with your mouth open, you looked like you were going to bite me right here..." She said, tapping on her neck where it met her shoulder.

"Where?" Lauren asked, sitting up to see properly. 

As (Y/N) sat up, straddling Laurens waist she brought Laurens hand up to where her neck met her shoulder. "Right there." (Y/N) whispered, shivering at her touch as Lauren traced her skin.

Leaning forward, Lauren nuzzled her face into the girls neck where she told her, breathing in her mates scent. 

She placed feather light kisses on the girls skin, soon finding her pulse point. This would be exactly were she would have to bite her, marking her as her own. 

Tracing the skin again Lauren enjoyed the closeness. 

"There's something I still haven't told you (Y/N/N). It links to your dream." Lauren said, finally speaking into the silence.

"Well?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes closed as she enjoyed Laurens touch, still tracing invisible patterns on the girls neck.

"Have you ever heard of the term mate before?" Lauren whispered, into the girls ear causing the Australian to nod, Laurens voice calming her and placing her in some sort of trance.

"Well, that's what you are to me, my mate. And once you are ready I'll mark you... right here", Lauren said, licking the girls neck, causing (Y/N) to shiver.

"The problem is", Lauren husked into her ear, "that there is a possibility you might change due to you being human." She finished.

"And if I do? Change that is." (Y/N) asked the girl beneath her.

"Well, you'll be a wolf. And I'm not gonna lie, it would make the mating process a lot easier. But you'd still be my mate and you'd be able to change whenever you'd like... With the right training of course." Lauren whispered.

"Thats doesn't sound too bad." (Y/N) said hesitantly.

"Is it necessary?" She asked causing Lauren to nod.

"It lets me claim you as mine so no other wolf can take you. It's kind of like a wedding ring in wolf terms I suppose. But if I weren't to mark you and urge to would build and would most likely end in me lashing out and possibly hurting you more that I'd have to. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Lauren asked, her lips lightly brushing the other girls ear as (Y/N) shook her head.

"No, we wouldn't." (Y/N) responded causing Lauren to smirk.

"Good girl." Lauren said before picking up her mate and moving her onto the bed beside her, (Y/N) whining at the loss of contact immediately. 

Laurens smirk grew and she leaned over and planted a kiss to the girls cheek. She seemed to take the whole 'mate' talk well. 

"Go to sleep beautiful." Lauren cooed, wrapping her arms around her mate as she closed her eyes too.


A few hours later Lauren opened her eyes to a dark room, her mate still in her arms however she was shivering. 

The pack house didn't have heating because wolves are naturally warm so Lauren didn't really know what to do. 

After debating possible things Lauren got up and removed her clothes, shifting into her large wolf form.

Once she was shifted Lauren slowly made her way back onto the king sized bed and laid half on top of her cold mate, her wolfs body heat warming her up quickly. 

(Y/N) stirred from her sleep slightly, opening her eyes to see large green ones watching her. She smiled at the overgrown puppy that was her mate and hugged her close.

"Thank you Lolo..." (Y/N) mumbled into the wolfs neck before drifting back to sleep, Lauren soon following.


When (Y/N) finally woke for the day, she opened her eyes as they slowly re adjusted to the light. 

Once she could properly see she looked down at the weight on her chest to see a naked Lauren, a blush instantly rising to her cheeks. 

Lauren was cuddled into (Y/N) side, hand draped across her waist. She could see any of the major bits, but she could feel them. 

"Lo." (Y/N) whispered, causing the girl to stir slightly.

"Laur." She tried again, the girl opening her eyes this time to look up at her mate, a sleepy smile filling her face at the sight.

Lauren observed the red tint in her cheeks and how the girl was adamant on only looking into her eyes. She soon realised she'd shifted back in her sleep and the girl was unsure of what to do with a naked Lauren pressed against her.

Lauren smirked at this though and decided to tease her a little. 

"Yes baby?" She asked innocently.

(Y/N) cleared her throat, "uh, you're a little exposed there... Lauren." She said nervously causing Lauren to smirk.

"Mhm, it seems I am a little underdressed." She agreed. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" Lauren asked, slightly concerned. 

"Not necessarily but um, Lauren?" She asked again. 

"Yes my beautiful mate?" She said lovingly, loving the sound of that as she stared into her eyes. 

"Umm, what's that? Uh, pressed into my thigh?" (Y/N) squeaked under Laurens gaze.

As soon as Lauren has realised what she had said her eyes widened in realisation. She hadn't known? Surely she would've seen it at least once when she was in her wolf form, although they were yet to talk about it.

"Uhh, that's my, uh." Lauren cleared her throat before finishing her sentence, "penis..." 

(Y/N) looked at her shocked and confused. Had she heard right, penis? 

(Y/N) stared at Lauren as she squirmed uncomfortably, suddenly feeling a little too exposed. 

They were definitely going to have to talk about this.

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