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It was nearing three am as Lauren laid in bed watching her mate sleep. She smiled at the fact (Y/N)s nose would occasionally twitch along with her ear, or that she would grumble or shift her paw occassionally. 

She was so in awe of her mate that nothing ceased to amaze her.

Lauren scratched the fur on the back of the wolfs neck, watching her ear twitch for the third time in the last two minutes.

She couldn't sleep, wouldn't sleep. She wanted this to last just a little while longer...

Lauren wasn't sure when she eventually fell asleep, but when she woke, she woke to a cold nose on her neck and a face full of fur.

Gently pushing the Australians head away, Lauren groggily took in her surroundings. 

(Y/N) huffed before settling back down on Laurens chest as her mates hand absentmindedly scratched her white fur while looking around the room. 

The alarm clock read ten twenty-seven. Too early for the time she fell asleep.

She didn't mind though. She need to get (Y/N) some food anyway.

(Y/N) grumbled, shifting again as the light filled the room. She grumbled because if her face was still stuffed in her mates neck, she wouldn't have this problem.

"Morning pup." Lauren said with her husky morning voice that sounded more alluring to (Y/N)s wolf ears. But instead of doing anything about it, (Y/N) grumbled and refused to open her eyes, willing herself back to sleep as Lauren played with her fur.

"Pup you gotta wake up." Lauren persisted, shaking the white wolf, which resulted in a low growl emitting from the wolfs chest.

"Chicken or lamb?" Lauren asked, pushing the pregnant wolf off her as she got out of bed. 

(Y/N) just whined at the loss of contact before covering her eyes with her paws.

"Baby come on. We need to brush our teeth and eat." Lauren said, walking into the bathroom.

Growling again, (Y/N) sulkily got out of bed and followed Lauren to the bathroom. Lauren was already half way through brushing her own teeth and the white wolf sat beside her, Lauren smiling at the wolf in the mirror.

(Y/N) glared at her mates reflection, much rather being in bed than here.

"Don't be such a sour wolf." Lauren commented as she spat out her tooth paste before smiling at her mate, only to receive the same glare.

"Smile!" Lauren exclaimed as she knelt down with (Y/N)s toothbrush, but instead of a smile she received a snarl. "That'll work..." Lauren mumbled, cleaning her cranky mates teeth.

Shortly after, Lauren stood on the kitchen preparing their brunch as (Y/N) went back to sleep on the couch.

She'd slept a lot lately... Maybe she'd ask Ally about it.

 The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Lauren trying to get her mate to smile or trying to lighten the mood, while (Y/N) just wanted to sleep.

"Pup you can't just sleep all day!" Lauren exclaimed as she followed (Y/N) back to their room.

(Y/N) huffed at her persistent mate before climbing on the bed, ready to prove her mate wrong. She'd be damned if she let anyone tell her when she could or couldn't sleep.

After a few minutes of watching the wolf, Lauren let out a sigh. Her mate could be so stubborn sometimes.

But instead of arguing more about it, Lauren climbed into bed with the wolf, (Y/N) immediately moving closer to her mate.

Lauren smiled as she watched her mate, the wolf moving to lay between her legs with her head resting on her chest. This seemed to be their go to position lately.

Threading her fingers through the thick fur, Lauren patted the wolf out of habit. 

If (Y/N) wasn't in the dog species category, she'd be purring right now.

After a while, both girls dozed off, Laurens fatigue catching up with her from the last few days, as (Y/N) enjoyed her cat nap.

The next morning, Lauren woke up alone in the bed and grew concerned. Getting up, she looked around her her mate, finding the wolf on the cold tiles of their bathroom.

During the night (Y/N) got hot. It wasn't the first time. From the warmth her fur provided and the heat off Lauren, if just got too warm for the pregnant she-wolf sometimes.

Leaving her to sleep for a little while longer, Lauren walked downstairs to make breakfast before waking her mate. 

(Y/N) was getting really tired of just eating meat. It's not exactly like she could eat her chocolate or peel her lychee's when she was a wolf. Even if she could peel the damn fruit, she'd probably choke on the seed in the middle.

"What if I put some sauce on it? Will you you eat then?" Lauren asked walking to the cupboard. "Tomato sauce?" She asked, receiving a hesitant look. "You're right, looks too much like blood." She said to herself before looking through the cupboard again.

"Barbecue?" Lauren asked again, the wolf shaking her head. "Alright, you want me to make you some gravy then?" Lauren asked, leaning against the kitchen island.

(Y/N) thought about it before nodding and Lauren was quick to make some up.

"Alright, eat up pup. After breakfast I have pack work to do so I'll set up the TV for you." Lauren said, eating her mango.

After that they ate in relative silence besides Lauren fork occasionally hitting the glass of her bowl.

"What do you wanna watch?" Lauren asked, placing the dishes in the dishwasher.

(Y/N) didn't bother replying or waiting for her mate, walking to the lounge room as she thought of what to watch on netflix instead. 

Eventually, she decided to watch troll hunters on netflix. She remembered Camila telling her how it was good and that her and Sofi watched it. 

So Lauren set it up before giving her a quick kiss and leaving for her office. 

The pair didn't see each other until late afternoon, when Lauren brought in two boxes of pizza she had ordered.

"I figured you could do with a change." Lauren said, sitting on the floor next to her mate as (Y/N) continued to watch the tv while Lauren placed a pizza in front of the wolf for her to eat. 

Lauren sat happily next to her, eating her pizza while trying to understand what was happening in the show, the wolf nearly at the end of season two.

Eventually she gave up, finishing her pizza before laying down with her mate and playing with her fur, the sparks relaxing her for the day of paperwork.

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